A majority of Israelis believe that the state should encourage Israeli Arabs to emigrate, according to a survey conducted by the Dahaf Institute. It’s a shocking result and it gets worse. The survey also found that only 34 percent of Jewish Israelis support a peace deal that entails a full withdrawal to the 1967 borders, while 65 percent oppose it. Many previous surveys suggested that Israelis support a Palestinian state though they rarely asked questions about its borders. Let no-one say that widespread racism doesn’t exist in both the Israeli and Palestinian communities.
In other news, Israel has announced it will transfer garbage beyond the Green Line and dump it in the West Bank. Haaretz reports: “the project was launched despite international treaties prohibiting an occupying state from making use of occupied territory unless it benefits the local population.” How long will it take Israel’s main benefactor, the US, to chastise its prime client state?
What would the Angry Arab think about all this?