Read this for a laugh.
A cover story in leading Israeli daily Ma’ariv slams New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman for being too critical of Israel and “jealous” of Netanyahu:
You, Mr Friedman, are no Grossman and no Barnea. You’re just an American journalist. There are hundreds and thousands like you the world over. Many of them, for instance those at the Wall Street Journal, have opinions the opposite of yours. They are asking where you and the Palestinians were during the first nine months of the settlement construction freeze.
So enough with the worried, concerned Jew manipulations, Mr Friedman. The leaders in Israel have enough intelligence, experience and reason to make the right decision on the way to another, reduced settlement freeze. Nobody here needs your advice – advice that comes in slogans every preschool child in Israel can recite without threats and intimidation. Get out from under our skin, Mr Friedman. We have enough troubles here without you, pal.