BAE facing anti-corruption probe

It looks as though the investigation into corruption surrounding the dealings of BAE Systems is about to proceed.

The US Department of Justice has launched an inquiry into British arms manufacturer BAE Systems’ compliance with anti-corruption laws, including those regarding lucrative Saudi contracts, BAE revealed on Tuesday.

The question remains, will the ties to Cheney see the light of day?

One consequence of those shock waves is that Vice President Dick Cheney, according to Washington insiders, is in deep trouble with his London friends. Cheney, the sources report, was the guarantor that the story of the $80-100 billion fund would never see the light of day. And, while the American and British establishment press have attempted to bury the scandal, either through blacking it out altogether, or focusing attention on tertiary features, like the relatively small flow of cash to Prince Bandar, the EIR revelations have saturated the U.S. Congress and have been picked up around the world.

The next chapter is now being written in the scandal of the century, and that could mean the political doom of Dick Cheney. Ironically, it could come at the hands of his own political boosters in the City of London, rather than from Congressional Democrats, who remain divided on the issue of Cheney’s impeachment for high crimes and misdemeanors. Ultimately, the real powers behind the throne in London have very low tolerance for failure.

Given that Cheney has become even more toxic than normal, the timing of this could hardly be better worse for him.