BDS is working (the targets say so)

And we’re only just warming up:

Ofer Eini, chairman of the Histadrut labor federation, told Jewish leaders in New York on Wednesday not to underestimate the power of the BDS boycott movement, and pledged to speak as often as possible to combat its efforts to sow anti-Israel sentiment among international unions.

Eini, who is also vice president of the International Trade Unions Confederation, spoke at a briefing about the relationship between the Israeli and American labor movements, and about efforts being made to combat the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) campaign to delegitimize Israel. The event was hosted by the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and the World Jewish Congress.

Eini said that the BDS movement against Israel is “doing a good job all over the world,” citing its efforts at the International Trade Unions Confederation last June in Vancouver as illustrative of the scope of its reach.

“There was a chance that Israeli merchandise wouldn’t be able to go on the world seas,” Eini said, as a result of potential international union opposition to dealing with Israel, “and from my perspective, that would mean the destruction of the Israeli economy.”

Eini, in what may be an allusion to his own political aspirations, closed his prepared remarks by stating that “nothing – not the BDS, and not other phenomena – will stay my hand from continuing to tighten my relationship with the Palestinians for the benefit of the State of Israel.”

Eini also discussed Israeli efforts to help the Palestinian labor movement, mentioning his own work in opening classes for Palestinians to work in Israeli construction projects, creating an IDF hotline to ease transportation into the territories, and ensuring that pension agreements apply to Palestinian as well as Israeli workers.

He also said that over the past month, legal advice services have been set up for Palestinian workers in Israel.

Despite these efforts, Eini said, BDS is gaining traction internationally, but he hopes to combat it.

“The union of a democracy that wants an equal society can be the bridge” to that society, he said, adding that he hopes that work with Israelis and Palestinians in the labor context will be a small manifestation of a process toward peace.