BDS will soon start biting in Australia

Dismiss this global movement at your peril (and BDS is in a growth phase, acknowledges this Jerusalem Post editorial):

The visiting head of the Business Council of Australia says the boycott campaign against Israel is “a complete and utter joke” that is being ignored by the Australian business community.

“It has no credibility,” Graham Bradley, who is leading one of the highest-level Australian trade delegations ever to visit the country, told The Jerusalem Post Wednesday.

“None of it has any traction in senior government or business circles in Australia.”

The campaign against Israel has hit the headlines in Australia in recent weeks, after federal senator-elect Lee Rhiannon, of the left-wing Greens Party, pushed for a boycott to become Greens national policy.

Bradley, who is in Israel for the first time, said Australian trade delegations to Israel, which are sponsored by the Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce, typically come to learn about Israeli technological innovation. Nevertheless, he said he was also interested in learning about how Israel had managed its urban planning and immigration policies.