Can the Arabs please stand up?

A column in the Gulf News, that mentions my recent essay in Haaretz, argues that Arab-Americans must be more involved in US political and media life to affect government policies towards the Middle East:

Their presence in the media and on Capitol Hill is still small, however, and many more are needed. But what would be equally effective is if the growing community of Arab-American academicians could be encouraged to write op-eds in newspapers or participate in TV or radio talk shows. Admittedly, this is not an easy task, as many who have taken part would readily confess, particularly if their opinion is a little offline. But once one manages to penetrate this wall, one is in for good – as has been proven by the case of several Arab-Americans or others who write on Middle Eastern issues, contrary to the views of the pro-Israel lobby, neoconservative pundits and even former administration officials.

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