Category Wikileaks

How scared are Western governments over Wikileaks?

US blogger firedoglake reports: Skdadl, who has been tweeting up a storm on the upcoming WikiLeaks dump, noted that the British government has issued D-notices regarding the upcoming dump, which is basically a non-binding request on editors to brief the government before doing a story. “The news came to light in two Tweets from WikiLeaks…

US aims to destroy Wikileaks

Looks like it’s game on: The United States has rejected talks with WikiLeaks over its planned release of confidential US documents, saying the whistleblower website is holding them in violation of US law. The US State Department set out its position in a letter to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and his attorney that was released…

Using Wikileaks to sue the US

The enduring power of Wikileaks: Iraq’s Baath party, forcibly removed from power by the US-led invasion of 2003, believes leaked American military documents could help it sue the US government over the war. Baathist officials are planning to meet with international law experts in March to discuss the possibility of taking legal action against Washington,…

Wikileaks may embarass the Pentagon and no tears are shed

A reminder, in case it was needed, that the actions of the US need to be exposed rather than hidden. Our job, as citizens, is to demand transparency from governments, not meekly accept “top secret” because officials say so: The Pentagon warned the U.S. Senate and House Armed Services Committees that the website “intends…

Wikileaks want to redefine “global history”

Stand by: The WikiLeaks website has announced it plans to publish nearly three million more secret US documents in its next mass release of confidential material, The Daily Telegraph learned. It would be seven times larger than its release last month, when it posted some 400,000 secret documents about the war in Iraq on its…

Wikileaks makes first steps to find home in Iceland

A true democracy would embrace Wikileaks to prove its commitment to transparency: Whistleblower WikiLeaks has registered in media-friendly Iceland its first known legal entity — a business that so far has no office or activity, the website’s spokesman said Friday. Wikileaks is now mulling whether to use the firm to fundraise or for information gathering,…

Fisk on US lies over Wikileaks

Oh I’ve missed seeing Robert Fisk talking about the Middle East. Recent Australian interview about the Wikileaks Iraq documents saying that the online release merely confirms what many journalists often thought; the Pentagon knew about Iraqi and US torture and abuses. And lied about it:

Al Jazeera’s Listening Post on Wikileaks Iraq documents

The Wikileaks Iraq files continue to cause robust discussion around the world. Al-Jazeera’s weekly media show, Listening Post, examined the impact of the latest revelations and how some journalists preferred to focus on the personal life of Julian Assange rather than the fact that the US had turned a blind eye to Iraqi torture and…

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