Category Wikileaks

It’s not easy backing death squads in Iraq

This is what we have created in Iraq by our own actions; turning a blind eye to torture, murder and abuse. In the name of “liberation”, of course: One: During the foreboding months of 2005, one police unit struck more fear into Iraqis than the entire occupying US army. They were known as the Wolf…

Wikileaks revelations? Nothing to see here, says WPost

The US corporate press has spent years suppressing the crimes and excesses of the US military in Iraq and Afghanistan – the Washington Post’s former Baghdad bureau chief says that Wikileaks proves the US administration has been lying for years – and yet this Washington Post editorial says everybody should just calm down and move…

Almost funny hearing how the Pentagon does damage control

Danny Schechter adds some intriguing details behind the Wikileaks story: The Pentagon had been bracing for the release for months. Fearing more compromises of national security and more embarrassment for practices they wanted hidden, they had set up a WikiLeaks war room staffed with 120 operatives in anticipation. A special intelligence unit called the Red…

Let’s hope that Australia’s war aims are negatively affected by Wikileaks

So after all the bluster and threats against Wikileaks, the group’s greatest crime was revealing the sordid nature of the Afghan quagmire: A defence taskforce has concluded that leaked US military documents on Afghanistan said nothing about Australian forces that hadn’t already been disclosed. The investigation, launched in July after the whistleblower organisation Wikileaks released…

Why can’t the US just kill Assange (asks caring Fox man)

Welcome to the world of Rupert Murdoch, a man of principle who runs a global organisation of the highest ethical code: Leading the attack on whistleblower web site WikiLeaks, Fox News editorialist and former Bush-era US State Department official Christian Whiton said on Monday that the US should classify the proprietors of WikiLeaks as “enemy…

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