Category Wikileaks

A little Wikileaks backlash (but missing the real target)

So it begins. The Pentagon warns Wikileaks not to release any more information, as the group is now threatening. Not something to be taken seriously, considering the source. Then there’s Reporters Without Borders issuing an open letter to Julian Asssange asking him to be far more careful in the future when releasing information and not…

Wikileaks isn’t protected in Australia

Let’s be clear: both major sides of Australian politics are seemingly willing to let the Wikileaks head out to dry if the order comes from Washington. We’re an obedient client state, after all: Foreign Affairs Minister Stephen Smith says he has not been asked by the United States to put Wikileaks founder Julian Assange under…

Shutting Wikileaks is almost pointless now

A clear sign that Wikileaks is feared and will remain so. If Wikileaks is shut down, rest assured rivals will land and take its place. The genie is well and truly out of the bottle: The Obama administration has asked Britain, Germany, Australia, and other allies to consider criminal charges against Julian Assange for his…

How much money does Wikileaks need to thrive?

Interesting insights into the running of Wikileaks: WikiLeaks aims to collect 460,000 Euros per annum. That would be enough for the five staffers and some of the approximately 900 volunteer helpers to recover some of their costs in the future. Up to this point, not even Assange receives a salary. He lives off his savings,…

Why would a man leak to Wikileaks?

The alleged leaker of information to Wiklieaks, American Bradley Manning, is given a profile in the New York Times. He’s portrayed as lonely, confused, gay, anxious and desperate for attention: And as he faces the possibility of a lifetime in prison, some of Private Manning’s remarks now seem somewhat prophetic. “I wouldn’t mind going to…

Wikileaks is ready and willing for much more

Game on: The online whistle-blower WikiLeaks said it will continue to publish more secret files from governments around the world despite U.S. demands to cancel plans to release classified military documents. “I can assure you that we will keep publishing documents – that’s what we do,” a WikiLeaks spokesman, who says he goes by the…

Iraqis hate us because we abuse and kill them

Before the Afghan war logs, Wikileaks released the “Collateral Murder” video. The Nation provides an exclusive that details the casual brutality dished out by the US to average Iraqis. No wonder the insurgency continues to rage: One by one, soldiers just arriving in Baghdad were taken into a room and questioned by their commanding officers.…

ElectionWire interview on Australian election

Election Wire is an online youth portal covering the Australian election campaign (here’s their recent report about detention centres). Journalist Austin G. Mackell yesterday interviewed me about the issues in the country, including foreign affairs, the Greens, the web filter, Wikileaks and the Middle East:

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