Category Wikileaks

What does Washington really think of those under their power?

This sounds juicy beyond belief. What, I wonder, do American diplomats really think of Israeli leaders and their corrupt Palestinian colleagues in the West Bank? An Army intel analyst charged with leaking classified materials also downloaded sensitive diplomatic cables. Are America’s foreign policy secrets about to go online? Philip Shenon reports. The State Department and…

The war against Wikileaks

I’ve long admired Wikileaks, a clearing house for classified information (the “reasons” often used by Western governments to kill “liberated” Iraqis, Afghans etc). This news is therefore intriguing, not least because it shows that there is one (and probably more) people within the US government keen to tell the world about the “war on terror”…

We are truly sorry, say US troops from Iraq

Following the recent Wikileaks revelation of a video that showed the cold-blooded murder by American forces of Iraq civilians, now this: Two former soldiers from the Army unit responsible for the Wikileaks “Collateral Murder” incident have written an open-letter of “Reconciliation and Responsibility” to those injured in the July 2007 attack, in which U.S. forces…

How the British want to “protect” citizens from online truths

Yet another example of why governments can’t be trusted to properly regulate/censor the internet. Their main goal will never be to provide maximum coverage but rather remove politically problematic material: The [British] government forced through the controversial digital economy bill with the aid of the Conservative party last night, attaining a crucial third reading –…

Understanding the real agenda behind Wikileaks

I’ve written extensively about the wonderful website Wikileaks and its ability to continually release vitally important information. But Mother Jones provides a more shaded view, questioning some of the tactics of the secretive group: WikiLeaks hatched in 2006 on a private mailing list used by Assange and other journalists and activists. To help navigate the…

Is Wikileaks the most important website in the world?

The latest Wikileaks drama: Whistleblower Web site WikiLeaks is planning to release a video that reveals what it’s calling a Pentagon “cover-up” of an incident in which numerous civilians and journalists were murdered in an airstrike, according to a recent media advisory. The video will be released on April 5 at the National Press Club,…

Wikileaks allows sunlight in a dark age

I’ve written for years about the invaluable website Wikileaks. It currently faces an unprecedented attack by Western governments and dictatorships across the world to shut down and not release supposedly important “secrets”. Glenn Greenwald explains the importance of the site and why it matters to fight.

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