Category Wikileaks

Wikileaks is the wonderful site that upsets the powerful

The undeniable power of the Wikileaks website – releasing supposedly classified documents to allow transparency in the public domain – now makes a rather comical story in the New York Times: To the list of the enemies threatening the security of the United States, the Pentagon has added, a tiny online source of information…

Wikileaks must survive for the sake of transparency

A black day for the crusading website Wikileaks: The anonymous whistleblower website Wikileaks, which has been a thorn in the side of governments and big business for three years, has shut down temporarily because it has run out of money. The document repository, founded by an Australian living in East Africa, has been the catalyst…

Fighting Australia’s impending web censorship farce

An important letter sent by Reporters Without Borders: The Hon Kevin Michael Rudd Prime Minister Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 Australia Paris, 18 December 2009 Dear Prime Minister, Reporters Without Borders, an organisation that defends free expression worldwide, would like to share with you its concern about your government’s plan to introduce a mandatory Internet…

When exposing government is a national service

Wikileaks, a fine website with a history of exposing documents the powerful would rather keep hidden, has released this: This significant, previously unpublished document (classified “RESTRICTED”, 2389 pages), is the UK military protocol for security operations, including counter-intelligence. The document includes instructions on dealing with leaks, investigative journalists, Parliamentarians, foreign agents, terrorists & criminals, sexual…

You can’t stop the real flow of information

The crusading website Wikileaks scores another win: Today Chief Justice Gordon Ward lifted a gag order which had prevented publishers and broadcasters from mentioning ‘corruption report’ and ‘WikiLeaks’ in the same sentence. The order, first issued on Saturday against 11 media companies, and reissued last night, has lead to bizarre press coverage, where WikiLeaks was…

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