Category Wikileaks

Working for the enemy

Wikileaks releases yet another essential document from the “war on terror.” The Human Terrain Team Handbook is used by the US military to allegedly intergrate into various foreign lands: According to the handbook, HTTs [Human Terrain Teams] are 5-9 person intelligence teams made up of serving military, contractors and “academicians”. The teams are designed to…

Only helping the rich

Be afraid (if you’re in the developing world): On 14 August, this World Health Organisation draft on pandemic flu preparedness was leaked on Wikileaks. This passage is perhaps most striking: ”˜global influenza vaccine manufacturing capacity is insufficient to meet demand in a pandemic and [”¦] in the absence of a multilateral system of benefit sharing,…

Chaos limited

So, the Iraq war was launched by the Bush administration thanks to a forged letter (according to a new book in the US.) And now, due to Wikileaks, more essential background: “The legal basis for the war itself was, and still is, controversial. There is a military need, at least, at the outset of operations…

How to kill those terrorist types

Wikileaks releases the UK Counter Insurgency Operations Doctrine 2007 that “details British counter-insurgency operations in a number of conflicts, including Northern Island”: In the past many terms have been used to describe those opposing the established authorities, terms such as guerrilla, revolutionary, terrorist, dissident, rebel, partisan, native and enemy all spring to mind. In order…

Helping the “enemy”

Oh, the irony: Documents released today by Wikileaks reveal that a US defence contractor may have sold millions of dollars worth of telephone tapping and other surveillance equipment to the Venezuelan government of Hugo Chavez.

Killing them very softly

Wikileaks uncovers a sensitive US military counter-insurgency manual that could be described as, “What we learned about running death squads and propping up corrupt government in Latin America and how to apply it to other places”.

How we deal with dictators

The essential website Wikileaks releases yet another coup: During the 2007 Presidential election campaigns in Kenya, an international furore developed around the existence of a “secret” Memorandum of Understanding signed by Raila Odinga (now Prime Minister of Kenya) and the National Muslim Leaders’ Forum. A forged version of this Memorandum of Understanding was in email…

How to speak to journalists for dummies

After the recent revelations of a Pentagon-led plan to twist US media coverage of the “war on terror”, Wikileaks uncovers a 2006 document titled, “Media is the Battlefield: Tactics, Techniques and Procedures“. Produced for those in the US military, typical statements include: You do not have to regurgitate the Secretary of Defense’s responses, but you…

How not to rule a country

Wikileaks reveals the reality of web life under Thailand’s former military rulers: The January 11, 2007 official blocklist contains 13,435 websites, an increase of more than 500% over the 2,475 sites blocked by MICT’s 13 October 2006 list, compiled following Thailand’s military coup d’etat on 19 September. In addition to this figure, the Royal Thai…

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