Colombo and Tel Aviv gaze deeply into each other’s eyes

Sri Lanka and Israel seem to admire each other deeply. Both have a blatant disregard for civilian casualties and use the “war on terror” to justify brutal policies against Tamils/Palestinians. Read on:

Eli Belotsercovsky, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Israel in New Delhi was on a visit to Sri Lanka recently. He toured Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa, Dambulla, Sigiriya and Nuwara Eliya on his motorcycle on a four-day trip. ” The landscape and the people were pleasant and beautiful. There is peace everywhere. Sri Lanka has proved to the world that terrorism could be defeated”, he said in an exclusive interview with the Sunday Observer. her are excerpts of the interview.

Q: How do you see the relationship between Sri Lanka and Israel?

A: Well,now that there is peace in Sri Lanka we have designed an ambitious agenda. Israel is a `mini agricultural super power’ in the world. So we have worked out plans to help Sri Lanka in its agricultural sector. Israel has offered job opportunities for Sri Lankans in the agricultural sector. Our agricultural expert visited Sri Lanka and had discussions with the relevant officials on enhancing the links between the two countries in the agricultural sector. We believe Sri Lanka has provided skilled workers and they could also share the techniques and skills from Israel.

The first batch of 300 Sri Lankan agricultural workers will get jobs in the farms in Israel. The Lankan work force in the agricultural sector is clever, intelligent and hard working. Therefore, the Israeli farmers will be delighted to employ them in their farms.

Israel looks forward to improve its links with Sri Lanka in the tourism sector. A large number of Israelis has shown their interest in visiting Sri Lanka. So I believe in time to come Israel tourists to Sri Lanka will increase significantly.

Q: You have now visited Sri Lanka where there is a peaceful atmosphere. What is your personal opinion about the country’s current situation?

A: Sri Lanka struggled hard to bring an end to terrorism and finally reached its target in wiping out terrorism completely. This is remarkable.