Colombo hearts Israel but dissent exists

Israel will sell arms to anybody; the more brutal the better, really.

Sri Lanka is therefore the perfect country for Tel Aviv to engage but according to this piece in the country’s Sunday Leader disquiet rules:

The news that Sri Lanka is to boost relations with Israel in the agricultural field comes as a surprise considering the treatment we have received from the Zionist state in the past.

Way back in 1991 Commodore Douglas Ivan Attanayake told an inquiry the Israelis had tampered with the engines of the three Super Dvora boats the government had purchased thus preventing the boats from travelling at its rated speed. The Commodore said if the tampering had not been detected the engines would have seized and would have had to be thrown away. Initially Israel refused to entertain our complaint and it was through Lloyds that Israel agreed to replace the engines. Why did Israel tamper with the engines?

In his lid blowing book By Way Of Deception, Victor Ostrovosky said the Israelis described our army personnel as monkeys. After a hard days work they were probably having fun at the expense of our boys. That they trained the LTTE whilst training our army personnel at the same time is no secret. India’s Subramaniam Swamy is on record boasting it was he who had introduced the LTTE to the Israeli Mossad.

The Jain Commission probing the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi reported there were links between the LTTE and Israel’s spy agency Mossad. Evidence for this report was provided by RAW and IB.…  On July 15, 1995 the Lanka Guardian edited by the legendary, fearless and irreplaceable Meryn Silva, reported ”˜hard evidence of Israel supplying arms to the LTTE’ under the headline ”˜Australian Police Confirm Israel Supplied Arms To The LTTE’. Add to this the fact that an Israeli arms shipment to the government was conveniently hijacked by the LTTE. In 1994 the Israelis abused Sri Lanka’s port rules when they were nabbed with four containers of chemicals they use to manufacture nerve gas. There was no apology. That’s how much they respect our sovereignty.