Decline and hand-outs

Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Steve Coll last year published a fascinating book on the Bin Laden family and I interviewed him about it for New Matilda.

His latest comments in the New Yorker are about another topic altogether; the ailing mainstream media:

In the foreseeable future, it seems, there will be two kinds of nonprofit newspapers—those which are deliberately so and those which are reluctantly so. Ever since I left the Washington Post, in 2005—after twenty years there that included a stint in management—and particularly since I joined the nonprofit world at the New America Foundation and started learning about the management and fund-raising issues at tax-exempt organizations, I have been mulling over this idea: that only by turning the Post into a nonprofit trust and raising a university-size endowment to support the newsroom could the paper retain the vitality it requires to serve as a successful watchdog over our constitutional system.

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