Israel kidnaps man and the world yawns

Gaza-based journalist Rami Almeghari on a story that happens all-too-often; the Zionist state simply steals a person. And Zionists wonder why Israel is viewed so negatively across the world:

In mid-January Derar Abu Sisi, 42, the operations director of Gaza’s sole electricity-generating plant, left the Gaza Strip for Ukraine where he was applying for citizenship, along with his Ukrainian wife Veronika. Several weeks later, Abu Sisi disappeared from Ukraine, and reemerged apparently as a prisoner in an Israeli jail. How he got there remains a mystery, and a source of anguish for his family in Gaza who believe he was kidnapped by Mossad, Israel’s international agency for spying and carrying out assassinations.

“We in the family are baffled as to why my brother Derar was kidnapped and then imprisoned in an Israeli jail,” Suzan Abu Sisi told The Electronic Intifada at her home in Gaza’s Jabaliya refugee camp.

Derar Abu Sisi has lived in Gaza with his wife for 12 years, and they have six children.

“Derar left Gaza on 16 January and on his way to Ukraine he visited family members in Jordan,” Suzan said. “Later, after two weeks, his wife returned alone to Gaza, while Derar remained in Ukraine. One week after her return, she received a phone call from family members and friends over there, informing her that Derar had not been seen or heard from. She went back to Ukraine right away, in order to complain to local authorities about the absence of her husband, my brother.”

Then on 25 February, Suzan said, an Israeli lawyer phoned the family, informing them that Derar was being held at Ashkelon prison in southern Israel. “The lawyer who phoned us didn’t give details, saying that the Israeli government did not reveal any information about his detention,” Suzan said.

In Israel the case is under a court-imposed gag order, but HaMoked, an Israeli human rights organization, has confirmed with Israeli authorities that Abu Sisi has been in Israeli custody since 19 February and was being held at Shikma prison near Ashkelon, just north of Gaza, according to media reports.