Murdoch press finds humour in Jewish-free Sydney suburb

This is what passes for comedy in Sydney’s Daily Telegraph.

The message is very clear; be critical of Israel, condemn the occupation and urge Israel to follow international law and be accused of Jew hating and anti-Semitism by the Murdoch thugs. Sydney’s Marrickville council endorsed BDS as a principled and increasingly popular global movement. The Tele’s Joe Hilderbrand – who I used to know many years ago as a student editor in Melbourne when he wouldn’t find the easiest target in a debate – should know better. Then again:

Like most ratepayers, I expect my local council to have a strong foreign policy. I don’t want anyone collecting my garbage until I know their stance on Libya.

So I was delighted when I heard Greens Marrickville Mayor Fiona Byrne was boycotting the state of Israel and any company that comes from, supports or once visited it. It’s about time someone who wasn’t a suicide bomber took a stand on this matter.*

However things took a complicated turn when it emerged that Cr Byrne was not just planning to boycott Israel herself_say by commencing an all-bacon diet_but getting the entire Marrickville Council to do it.

This raised many concerns for me personally, as I have just moved into the Marrickville local government area and, as many white supremacists have cheerfully pointed out over the years, I happen to look a bit like a “kike’’.