On the importance of Twitter as an author and journalist

For the upcoming Sydney Writer’s Festival (I’m speaking at three events) I was interviewed by the Sydney Morning Herald on my use of Twitter:

Antony Loewenstein… @antloewenstein

Journalist and author:My Israel Question,… The Blogging Revolution

I joined Twitter in 2009 because I’m a news junkie and I was interested in finding information on a new medium. It allows me to connect with people around the world who I wouldn’t normally speak to – journalists, activists, writers, dissidents, and because I write about issues in the Middle East or issues of immigration detention in Australia, I find invaluable information from writers to refugees to activists who don’t normally have a voice in mainstream media.

I enjoy being challenged on Twitter and I enjoy being comforted. The downside is Twitter addiction. I may need to go into some kind of treatment for it. I tweet a lot. But I do have a rule that I don’t talk about my personal life, partner, family or where I’m going. I encourage people to find that space rather than tweeting everything they do. I think there is danger in willingly giving up our privacy to corporations mining our personal information.

Following:… @ggreenwald (Glenn Greenwald), @MattAikins, @carwinb (Alexa O’Brien)