Articles in Crikey

Sanity is a matter of opinion

My following article appeared in yesterday’s Crikey newsletter: The Melbourne Writers’ Festival is over for another year and the main sponsor, The Age, has unsurprisingly declared the event a success. One of the more interesting sessions was a discussion about The Howard Factor, (Melbourne University Press) an assessment of the prime ministership of John Howard.…

The unreality of Greg Sheridan

My following article appeared in yesterday’s Crikey newsletter: The Australian’s foreign editor, Greg Sheridan, has released a new book, The Partnership. It tells of the intimate relationship between George W Bush and John Howard. Last Friday, former Victorian Premier Jeff Kennett launched the book at the Melbourne Writer’s Festival. Not unlike many festival sessions, the…

Mark Steyn and the conservatives – a night to remember

My following article appears in today’s edition of Crikey: When a right-wing think tank like The Centre for Independent Studies hosts an event titled “It’s Not ”˜Them’, It’s Us: The Need to Regain Confidence in Western Culture” – and invites conservative columnist Mark Steyn, Murdoch commentator and ABC board member Janet Albrechtsen and foreign policy…

The truth about the pro-Israel lobby’s influence

My following article appears in today’s edition of Crikey: It is hard to imagine a less appropriate context in which to read Gerard Henderson’s latest opinion piece. At a time when we’re being inundated by grim reports of escalating carnage in Lebanon and Israel, Henderson has launched an extraordinary attack on the notion that a…

What’s Israel’s real agenda?

The following article appears in today’s edition of Crikey: Antony Loewenstein, blogger, journalist and author of the forthcoming My Israel Question: Israel’s war against Hamas and Hezbollah is the latest sign of a US-backed client state that is truly out of control. The abduction of three Israeli soldiers in the last weeks was the supposed…

Oz media wimps out on Middle East balance

The following article appears in today’s edition of Crikey: Antony Loewenstein, blogger, journalist and author of the forthcoming My Israel Question (MUP), writes: There is one foreign affairs issue that remains virtually taboo in public debate. The close relationship between Israel and the US is almost universally avoided in the mainstream, Western press. When attempts…

Munich redux

My following article appears in today’s edition of Crikey: “Steven Spielberg’s latest film, Munich, is a milestone in mainstream American culture. It tells the story of the 1972 Palestinian attack on Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics but focuses more on the aftermath – and Israel’s response – than the massacre itself. Many prominent Jewish…

Danby update

Following the publication of a letter by Federal Labor MP Michael Danby in this week’s Australian Jewish News (for background and more information, see here), Crikey has placed this story of free speech as one of its top yarns of the day: 4. Loewenstein v Danby — Australia’s debate over Israel By Crikey reporter Sophie…

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