Articles in Crikey

Anna Politkovskaya’s legacy

My following article appears in today’s Crikey newsletter: The recent murder of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya… has triggered, albeit briefly, an unprecedented interest in life under Vladimir Putin. The Sydney Morning Herald has provided particularly decent coverage of Politkovskaya’s death, but perhaps unsurprisingly failed to continue interest beyond the requisite few days. There is much of…

The truth about peace in the Middle East

My following article appears in today’s Crikey newsletter: Soon after Israel’s August 2005 evacuation of its Gaza settlements, then Prime Minister Ariel Sharon announced the withdrawal “essential for Israel.” The Palestinians were suffering, he said: “We cannot hold onto Gaza forever, more than a million Palestinians live there”¦crowded in refugee camps, poverty and hotbeds of…

The world mourns Anna Politkovskaya

My following article appears in today’s Crikey newsletter: The world has lost one of its finest human rights defenders with the weekend murder of Russian journalist and author Anna Politkovskaya. Gunned down in the elevator of her Moscow apartment, she gained international attention with her scathing reports on Russian abuses in Chechnya and the undemocratic…

Was the Heathrow terror “plot” a political concoction?

My following article appears in today’s Crikey newsletter: Two months ago, the British government told the world it had thwarted plans to blow up US-bound aeroplanes departing from Heathrow Airport. “Put simply, this was intended to be mass murder on an unimaginable scale,” said Deputy Commissioner Paul Stephenson from the Metropolitan Police at the time.…

Edgar and Adams talk up a storm about TV

My following article appeared in yesterday’s Crikey newsletter: During Wednesday’s Sydney launch of Patricia Edgar’s book Bloodbath – a tale of her years in TV, including being founding director of the Australian Children’s Television Foundation – ABC broadcaster Phillip Adams remarked that “nothing prepares you for the savagery of TV” in both the commercial world…

The values debate we don’t have to have

My following article appears in today’s Crikey newsletter: We live in an age where political insecurity is projected through the “values” debate. When politicians want to instil calm in the electorate, they preach about shared ideas, Australian mateship, tolerance, a fair go, religious freedom and freedom of speech. These are all noble ideals in a…

Time for the media to offer the unvarnished truth

My following article appeared in yesterday’s Crikey newsletter: In the months before the 2003 Iraq invasion, the mainstream media nearly wholly swallowed the premise that Iraq had WMD and only invasion and occupation would alleviate the threat. More than three years later, the country is suffering a civil war and the US-sanctioned leadership is incapable…

The real role of the writer: to cause offence, stir and provoke

My following story appeared in Monday’s edition of the Crikey newsletter: The Brisbane Writer’s Festival, which hosted over 200 writers from Australia and overseas, is over for another year. Controversial London-based American author and Orange Prize winner, Lionel Shriver, gave the opening night address. Her message was blunt: writers should offend, be as politically incorrect…

Poisoning the well

My following article appears in today’s edition of Crikey: Martin Amis claims we live in “the age of horrorism”, an epic struggle between the forces of “evil” and Western values. Meanwhile, the fifth anniversary of September 11 has caused Prime Minister John Howard to claim that Iraq is now better off without Saddam Hussein. As…

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