Articles in Sydney Morning Herald

Gaza’s suffering is Israel’s shame

My following article is published today by the Sydney Morning Herald/The Age: The 85-year-old Jewish, anti-Zionist, Holocaust survivor Hedy Epstein is a sturdy looking woman. Her slightly hunched frame hides the determination to continue a life-long dedication to social justice. This week in Cairo she joined close to 1400 international delegates on the Gaza Freedom…

Truth proves elusive in a confusing trouble spot

My following book review appears in this week’s Sydney Morning Herald Spectrum section: Fit to Print: Misrepresenting the Middle East By Joris Luyendijk Scribe, 241pp, $29.95 “A journalist who limits himself to the role of middleman,” writes Dutch reporter Joris Luyendijk, “is actually siding with the team that is best able to influence the news…

The victim recalls a war crime

My following book review appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald on November 29: My Story: The Tale Of A Terrorist Who Wasn’t By Mamdouh Habib; with Julia Collingwood; Scribe, 272 pp, $32.95 Before tortured Australian Guantanamo Bay detainee Mamdouh Habib was released in 2005, then prime minister John Howard said his government didn’t “have any…

Beyond the Green Zone

My following book review appears in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: Author: Dahr Jamail Publisher: Haymarket Books Pages: 313 Price: $39.95 Nearly five years since the start of the Iraq war, we still know remarkably little about the conflict and its effect on the Iraqi people. A recent study by British polling agency ORB found that…

Denounced, but Jewish dissent grows

My following article appears in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: In a recent essay published by the American Jewish Committee, reflecting widely shared attitudes, Jews who criticised Israel and its policies were accused of stirring anti-Semitism. The executive director of the committee said “those who oppose Israel’s basic right to exist, whether Jew or gentile, must…

Bloggers of the world, unite

My following essay appears in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: The internet is revolutionising the way we get news and views. During the 2006 Lebanon war, Israelis connected with Lebanese through blogs, despite the Lebanese Government forbidding its citizens from contact with the Jewish state. An Israeli blogger told The Washington Post that thanks to the…

How to spot a liar

The following review appears in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: How to spot a liar There are lies and lies and real pork pies, writes Antony Loewenstein The Truth About Lies By Andy Shea and Steve Van Aperen ABC Books, 273pp, $29.95 Lord Carlile, Britain’s independent reviewer of terror laws, said last month that a lack…

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