Finally I saw the fire warden and he looked at my sternly. I apologised profusely for being late and next thing I knew we were discussing the impending changes to the cross media laws. He couldn’t understand why I was so passionate about maintaining diversity and fundamentally mistrusted the media groups and moguls advocating change. He talked about the “gold old days” of Fairfax when “journalists were keen to take on the big boys”. I wished for those days again too. We simply believed in achieving these aims differently.
Then I woke up. My dream last night amused me. I’ve only worked briefly in retail. I do believe in maintaining diversity within the media. I’ve never really engaged with a fire warden. In hindsight, I could probably improve my arguments in relation to the media moguls. They are, after all, the easiest to demonise and yet rarely examined by our mainstream media. This will change.