Speaking of Murdoch thuggery over Israel/Palestine

Another small step in the glorious path of Rupert Murdoch’s legacy. How can I hate Palestinians this week, my minions?

Here’s Australian Murdoch editor David Penberthy writing today about the Greens and racism (this coming from a man who recently suggested backing BDS against Israel was akin to Kristalnacht under the Nazis.).

I wrote a piece a few weeks ago describing this planned identification of businesses with links to the Jewish state as “a polite modern rendering of Kristalnacht”.

Some Greens were deeply offended by this. Their indignation at protecting the memory of the Holocaust can be easily dismissed as confected.

If they regard this period of history as something we should learn from, surely they would baulk at the idea of creating a blacklist of businesses with links to the Jewish state.

Jewish… Labor MP Michael Danby was perfectly happy to place this proposal in its proper historical context, saying that Marrickville Council could just start painting the Star of David on offending businesses.

If every council in the world adopted this policy, the Israeli state would be destroyed economically. It would cease to exist.

The Greens clearly believe they were damaged by sinister coverage of the policy. They weren’t. They were damaged because the policy is sinister. The paring back of the Greens’ primary vote from what had been forecast in the polls suggested two things.

It suggested their policies are out of step with the mainstream, and that the mainstream may also be uneasy with the way the Greens have been behaving in coalition with the Federal Government.

Neither of those messages has sunk in with the Greens, as evidenced by an interesting interview that Jamie Parker gave this week to the Left-oriented opinion website New Matilda.

The piece was written by the independent journalist Antony Lowenstein [sic], a strident critic of the Jewish state and the author of My Israel Question.

Lowenstein asked Parker about the reaction of Jewish people in the inner-west to the coverage of the Israel boycott. He also spoke to Parker about the fact that his car had been vandalised and that he had received death threats and letters calling him a Nazi and a Jew-hater.

Parker was quoted as saying the following:

“These Jews provide cover for extreme actions if they occur. If there’s a sniff of you being critical of Israel, such Jews will attack you and cut you loose. Lefty Jews told me that you can’t be surprised if extreme people do extreme things but they wouldn’t come out in public and condemn it.”

Parker’s choice of language in this interview has now been picked up by people in the Jewish community, some of them with links to ALP, as further evidence that the Greens have got a few issues they need to resolve here.

“These Jews” now believe Parker went close to claiming the Greens had been a victim of some kind of Jewish conspiracy.

As Pauline Hanson might say, Jamie, please explain.

Here’s some advice for Penberthy and his cuddly mates; read something about what’s happening in Palestine instead of receiving your information from the Zionist lobby. You’re embarrassing yourself with this ignorance, like defending apartheid South Africa during its darkest days.

One day you’ll realise this. You’re on the wrong side of history (but of course, your charming boss has backed every US-led war in the Middle East for the last decades).