Speaking on ABC News24 about gay marriage, politics and refugees

I was again invited onto ABC TV News24’s The Drum last night (video here… and my previous appearance is here.) The guests were New South Wales Liberal politician Pru Goward and lobbyist Simon Banks.

We discussed a range of issues including the imposition of a detention centre in a small South Australian town (and people wonder why there’s resentment), the need to not privatise the national broadband network, and the Pope’s barely-there acknowledgment that condoms, sex and homosexuality actually exist.

Near the end of the show, during a debate about the role of the new federal parliament, I said; “wouldn’t it be great if journalists walked away from politicians who didn’t answer their questions [after asking them the same question a number of times]?” An empty studio, with the clock ticking, would certainly reveal to the public who is avoiding accountability.