Changes afoot?

Following my recent essay in US magazine The Nation on the election of Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, I was interviewed by the syndicated American station RadioNation about the realities of the new Australian government. Will we really see a change?

Kevin Rudd, agent of change?

My following feature appears in US magazine The Nation and discusses the rise of Kevin Rudd to Prime Minister of Australia: The political annihilation of Prime Minister John Howard in the November 24 election marks a milestone in Australian history. “From this day forth,” writes political columnist Glenn Milne, “no government can rely on the…

Changing of the guard

Guy Rundle, Arena Issue 91: Australian intellectual life changed when Murdoch — Rupe or Lachlan (remember Lachlan?) — sacked Paul Kelly as editor of the eponymous national broadsheet, and moved him sideways to be editor-at-large. Under Kelly’s editorship, the one-time left-liberal publication had moved to a position on the Centre-Right — hardly strident, but committed…