One of Pakistan’s biggest newspaper, The Express Tribune, positively reviews my book, Pills, Powder and Smoke: Inside the Bloody War on Drugs: Released last year, Antony Loewenstein’s book titled, Pills, Powder, and Smoke: Inside The Never-Ending, Bloody War On Drugs is a detailed investigation into the individuals, officials, activists and traffickers caught up in the long-spanning…
Showing all posts tagged Africa
Pakistani TV interview on global refugee crisis
Yesterday I was interviewed by Pakistani TV network Indus News about the global refugee crisis. My segment starts at 13:55:

How Donald Trump threatens Obama's baby steps towards the "war on drugs"
My article in US magazine Truthout: President Barack Obama’s drug war legacy is paved with partially good intentions. It differed greatly between his domestic agenda and around the world. The former showed signs of bravery, challenging decades of draconian and counterproductive policy toward drug users and dealers,… reducing… the number of incarcerated men and women across the…

How Guinea-Bissau became a cocaine smuggling hub
My investigation in Foreign Policy: BISSAU, Guinea-Bissau — The headquarters of the Judicial Police, the government agency charged with prosecuting Guinea-Bissau’s war on drugs, sits on a dusty street in the middle of this deceptively quiet West African capital city. Inside is the country’s only drug-testing laboratory, a recent addition thanks to a surge in…

Civilians in South Sudan bearing brunt of cruel war
My feature in Foreign Policy: BENTIU, South Sudan — Every day, some 200 people stream into Bentiu, the site of South Sudan’s largest camp for internally displaced persons (IDPs). Women trudge past armed U.N. peacekeepers while carrying large pots and bags on their heads and tiny children in their arms. They sit on the cracked…

Mining company operates in repressive Eritrea, questions abound
This week the Guardian published my story on the role of Australian and foreign mining companies in Africa. One of the companies I identity is Australian firm Danakali, currently operating in Eritrea. 10 days before publication I emailed questions to the corporation seeking answers. No response. A few days later I emailed again and called…

How to make mining corporations in Africa respect human rights
The reality of international and Australian mining corporations in Africa can be grim for local civilians. My latest Guardian investigation examines these issues. I interview a journalist from the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, Will Fitzgibbon, about his organisation’s recent work on the subject and the following is the full interview extracted in the Guardian:…

How foreign mining companies breach human rights in Africa
My investigation in the Guardian: Australian miners are making a killing overseas. With little regulation or oversight, billions of dollars are being made in some of the most remote places on Earth. The necessity of partnering with autocratic regimes has proved no impediment to investment. Human rights have been breached. Victims are largely invisible. None…

Iran nuclear deal masks US and China arms race
My piece for American website Mondoweiss: The global arms race has never been more lucrative. America and China are engaged in unprecedented levels of spending around the world to influence and shape global affairs. The effects are devastating on civilians but Washington and Beijing insists they’re “stabilizing” nations. It’s one of the deadliest myths of…