Britain and Australia’s secretive relationship

The recent launch of Declassified Australia coincides with the first piece by journalist Peter Cronau and me for the great news organisation Declassified UK on the often sordid and secretive relationship between Australia and the UK. Some highlights (but read the whole thing): Australia’s independence from Britain has been contested ground since the nation’s birth in…

No uranium mining in Greenland

Back in 2014, I reported for the Guardian on an Australian company determined to open a uranium mine in Greenland. Years later, the issue is still live, the mine hasn’t happened but the corporation is determined to make it a reality. Green Left is covering the story (and virtually nobody else is): Sydney-based independent journalist,…

Twenty Years of the Afghan war

I’m excited to announce the launch of Twenty Years, a project more than two years in the making: Twenty Years is an artistic and journalistic project to assess the legacy of the post 9/11, US-led war in Afghanistan. Originally conceived in 2019 by journalist, author and film-maker Antony Loewenstein and artist Tia Kass alongside Afghans…

Investigating the War on Drugs: recommendations for the future

Here’s my keynote lecture at the 2021 Australian & New Zealand Addiction Conference on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. I spoke around my 2019 book, “Pills, Powder and Smoke: Inside the Bloody War on Drugs“. The Australian & New Zealand Addiction Conference was hosted by the Australian & New Zealand Mental Health Association, a non-government,…

Rising Palestinian voices

My recent interview with Bay FM, a great community radio station in Byron Bay, Australia. The interviewer Fernando has constructed an interesting, podcast-style production on Israel/Palestine: BayFM 99.9 · Palestine Special with Mohammed & Muna El-Kurd and Antony Loewenstein 14.06.21

Shaping and skewing coverage of Israel/Palestine

I participated in this event earlier in the week on the role and responsibility of the media when reporting on Israel/Palestine. It was organised by the UTS Centre for Social Justice & Inclusion and UTS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences in Sydney, Australia. Over 250 people attended the event via Zoom: How does the…

What freedom in Palestine could look like

The most intense fighting between Israel and Hamas may have stopped for now but the human rights abuses in Palestine live on. Yesterday I was asked to speak at a large Palestine rally in Sydney’s CBD. I’ve long believed that it’s vital to speak out as a Jew in support of Palestinian rights:

How the media should report more fairly on Palestine/Israel

In the last weeks since the publication of a petition that I helped write, Do Better on Palestine, there’s been a lot of media backlash and public support. It’s a call for the media to more fairly and accurately report on Israel/Palestine. US-based outlet The Intercept has just covered the whole saga and helpfully places…

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