Chinese repression isn’t the way forward

The Western capitalist model is inherently problematic with massive over-consumption and a gross disregard for human rights (if corporations get in the way). But this really isn’t an alternative and viable model: The “discipline” of China’s authoritarian political system should be considered as a potential recipe for economic growth in Africa and other developing regions,…

Iceland and Wikileaks see a happy future together

There’s must be something in the water in Iceland. This is brave, important, likely to cause many states to scream loudly and bloody necessary in an age of After Iceland’s near-economic collapse laid bare deep-seated corruption, the country aims to become a safe haven for journalists and whistleblowers from around the globe by creating the…

Maintain the rage over Sri Lanka’s dictatorship

The Elders release a statement outlining the still profound issues inside Sri Lanka: The Sri Lankan government’s clampdown on domestic critics and its disdain for human rights deserves a far tougher response according to The Elders. While welcoming the end of the decades-long civil war, the Elders say that meaningful progress on reconciliation in Sri…

Interview with New York’s Indypendent on Palestine, peace, BDS and the MSM

Here’s my interview published today by a leading New York publication, The Indypendent. It was conducted by wonderful young journalist Alex Kane: With “peace talks” between the Palestinian Authority and Israel seeming more and more like a dead end, many people around the world, including dissident Jewish voices, are turning to grassroots activism to pressure…

Beijing isn’t Washington’s replacement for Tel Aviv

China, Israel and the Jews; a long, tortuous, sometimes mutually beneficial relationship. But if Israel expects to have found a newfound friend in a post-American world, think again: It is hard to say just how much influence Israel has on China. Israel can’t expect the Chinese to come to its defense, diplomatically or otherwise. There’s…

Google and Beijing get back into bed together

Sadly, Google has caved to Chinese demands and will once again censor some online content. Principles are clearly flexible for the web giant: Google, the US internet search… company,… has agreed to submit to official Chinese censorship. The Chinese government, on its… part,… announced the renewal of Google’s licence to operate in the country. The government’s decision came after…

British looks back into history and misses the good old days

Just what the world needs; an invigorated, more interventionist British empire: William Hague has outlined the Government’s vision of Britain’s role in the world, promising a sweeping overhaul of foreign policy aimed at expanding the country’s influence to every inhabited continent. In his first major speech as Foreign Secretary Mr Hague stressed that while he…

Imperialism with a new face is still imperialism

Hao Peng, the new vice-chairman of the regional government in Tibet, offers a novel interpretation of those living under colonialism: No sovereign country in the world would allow the hanging of a portrait of a person like that… the Dalai Lama colluded with anti-China forces abroad to make trouble in Tibet. What you see in…

Tell Israel to ditch its nuke now

A nuclear-free Middle East is a dream for us all. The elephant in the room has always been Israel, protected by the US and Western powers because, well, it’s the Jewish state. Don’t disturb the Jews. This news therefore is a little surprising but hopeful: The United States accepted Arab demands to pressure Israel over…

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