Don’t ignore the oppression-backing Better Place gloss

Israeli electric car company Better Place is accused of providing charging stations in the occupied West Bank and being run by former military men suspected of war crimes. The firm has received media coverage in Australia, mainly over allegations of favourable business deals, but nothing about backing apartheid in Palestine. The Zionist state’s attempts at…

Tel Aviv more than happy to help Beijing target its own people

What’s a Zionist state to do when it has such wonderfully useful skills at managing occupation and repressing people? Sell that knowledge to another repressive state such as China: Sino-Israeli relations were generally distant prior to the 1980s but that decade saw the beginning of significant Israeli arms and technology transfers to China. Early efforts…

China’s black sites used and abused by private firms

The massive expansion of a privatised and largely secret world is enveloping the West. Take military contracting and detention centres as two key examples. This recent feature in the Sydney Morning Herald highlights the foul stench of unaccountable thugs outsourced by the state in China: …In Tangshan city, a middle-class woman called Liu Yuhong told…

Major Aussie media figures stand up for Wikileaks

Finally some Australian media heavy-weights join the cause in support of Wikileaks. It’s taken far too long but they clearly realise that this entire issue isn’t just about Wikileaks; it’s about our right to read important information in the public interest: The letter was initiated by…  the Walkley Foundation and signed by the ten members…

Rudd misses main message of Wikileaks dump

Australia’s Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd doesn’t seem to understand the paradigm shift of the Wikileaks release. His answer is more secrecy, less transparency and less democracy. He may find himself more shocked in the months and years ahead. Here’s hoping: Kevin Rudd has suggested the United States “tighten things up a bit” following the publishing…

Australia likes the role of regional bully rather well

No wonder Australia is so upset over Wikileaks; released cables show a government keen to keep military options (aka US fire-power) on the table. And Canberra’s enthusiasm for special forces in Pakistan is another worrying sign that “fighting terrorism” knows no limits, legalities or bounds: Kevin Rudd warned Hillary Clinton to be prepared to use…

America’s real priorities (and the arms industry are very happy)

Some revealing facts from the essential War is Business blog: $10.9 billion was the value of military training and sales agreements executed in fiscal year 2000 by the Pentagon’s global arms delivery service, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency. $31.6 billion was the sum of the agency’s business in fiscal year 2010, which concluded at the…

Sri Lanka likes to flaunt its war criminal status

Credit where it’s due. Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post headlines this story, “‘War criminal’ gets a UN job’. It’s way to bash the UN but also reveals how Colombo feels completely protected within the international system. China protects her. Just like the US protects Israel. While civilians are being murdered: A suspected war criminal who…

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