Review and interview about Disaster Capitalism with US magazine Salon

A review of my book Disaster Capitalism in US magazine… Salon… followed by an interview with its… journalist Ben Norton: “The corporation is now fundamentally more powerful than the nation-state,” writes journalist Antony Loewenstein in his new book “Disaster Capitalism: Making a Killing out of Catastrophe.” “Many ongoing crises seem to have been sustained by businesses to fuel…

Where is all the US aid money in Afghanistan?

My investigative feature in UAE newspaper The National… (PDFs of the stunning looking feature… DC.front… and… DC.spread): The human cost of the Afghan war has been devastating. The United Nations estimates that at least 20,000 Afghan civilians have been killed since 2001 and violence is worsening across the country. United States president Barack Obama, fearing an Iraq-style state collapse…

Le Monde Diplomatique positively reviews Disaster Capitalism

The leading French newspaper Le Monde Diplomatique has published a strong review of my book, Disaster Capitalism… (PDF here:… LoewensteinDisasterCapmLMD216): Les catastrophes n’ont pas le même sens pour tout le monde. Antony Loewenstein s’intéresse ici à tous ceux qui… …«… profitent des désastres… …»… — le tremblement de terre de… 2010 en Haïti, par exemple — pour privatiser, déréguler et faire fructifier…

US magazine Pop Matters reviews Disaster Capitalism

US website Pop Matters reviews my book, Disaster Capitalism; the reviewer is James Orbesen: An anecdote: as a resident of Chicago, I often use public transit. Although the system is in no way perfect, it is popular, extensive, and runs (mostly) on time, which is quite a feat in itself. In August 2013, the fare…

What's happening to Afghanistan's natural resources

My investigative feature in The Nation: Before its failed occupation of Afghanistan, the Soviet Union discovered that the country was rich in natural resources. In the 1980s, Soviet mining experts drafted maps and collected data that would lay dormant in the Afghan Geological Survey in Kabul until the rise of the Taliban. These charts documented…

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