Silicon Valley and US intelligence doing more than heavy petting

Following the recent revelations about global surveillance and Prism by leaker Edward Snowden, the mainstream media is finally seriously investigating the intimate and unhealthy links between tech firms and the US government. This New York Times story… reveals some of those connections and why none of us should trust the privacy pledges given by Facebook, Google…

ABC Radio’s The World Today on Edward Snowden and Prism

I was interviewed today for ABC Radio’s The World Today program: ELEANOR HALL: In the Federal Parliament today, The Greens will attempt to get an explanation from the Government about Australia’s involvement in the US PRISM surveillance system. America’s National Security Agency confirmed last week that it is running a clandestine internet surveillance program which…

Syria may be convulsing but foreign intervention must be avoided

The situation in Syria continues to descend into a civil war-like situation, according to people on the ground. This interesting report, by BBC journalist Paul Wood, offers a disturbing insight into the Assad regime’s desperation and confusion since the beginning of the revolution: Qutaiba, a 22-year-old engineering student, had never been arrested before Syrian security…

Anyone can make a revolution (or can they?)

The upcoming Festival of Dangerous Ideas is taking place at the Sydney Opera House in October. Feel threatened. I’m involved in the following event on 2 October at 6pm: In Egypt and Tunisia we have seen ordinary people come together to claim democracy and human rights in the face of oppressive regimes, with Twitter and…

You can only push “austerity cuts” so far and not expect payback

The rioting in Britain has shocked Britain and the world but it really should not. Is this about payback for years of police mistreatment, a powerful statement from those who feel ostracised from mainstream England or criminal looters? A little bit of everything. The Guardian expands on the social media aspect: In October 1985, on…

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