That’s a relief; Greens Senator isn’t anti-Semitic

The fact that Lee Rhiannon has to write this letter to Murdoch’s Australian shows the debased nature of the “debate” in this country: David Syme’s accusation that I am anti-Semitic is false (Letters, 30/8). On many occasions I have condemned anti-Semitism. I regularly speak out in support of multiculturalism and human rights and oppose racism…

On BDS, criminalising pro-Palestinian activism and myopic politics

The following interviews are published this week in Green Left Weekly. One: Antony Loewenstein is an independent journalist and author of My Israel Question and The Blogging Revolution. Green Left Weekly’s Simon Butler asked Loewenstein about recent attempts to intimidate supporters of the boycott, sanctions and divestment (BDS) campaign against Israel. * * * Nineteen…

Israel was on verge of yet another futile war against Gaza last week

Israel’s biggest newspaper has the story. And what will be the global reaction to this? Silence, because after all, if Israel would have attacked Gaza it would have been seen as “defensive” even if white phosphorus was used, like during Operation Cast Lead. This is the Holocaust excuse, used time and time again, and yet…

If Israel was a mature country, it would welcome Arab revolutions

But, as Robert Fisk writes, Zionism only wants “democracy” for itself, screw the Arab masses: Israel, which has been so skewed and immature in its response to the Arab awakening – why on earth did its leaders not welcome the Egyptian revolution, opening their arms to a people who showed they wanted the democracy which…

BDS isn’t akin to Nazi Germany and damn those who say so

My following essay appears in New Matilda today: Equating the BDS movement with Nazism is both offensive and outrageous. So why aren’t members of the Jewish community speaking out on this, asks Antony Loewenstein Joseph Stalin changed his name and so did New South Wales Federal Greens MP Lee… Rhiannon. Stalin, writes Alan Howe, executive editor…

Romance of Hamas dwindling in Gaza?

When I was in Gaza in mid 2009, life was difficult for the residents due to the Israeli and Egyptian imposed siege. Outright hatred for Hamas was rare. Times may be changing: A budding middle class in the impoverished Gaza Strip is flaunting its wealth, sipping coffee at gleaming new cafes, shopping for shoes at…

Selective BDS understanding, not by chance, in Australian corporate media

Following the appearance today of a story in Murdoch’s Australian about BDS, one of those interviewed, Kim Bullimore, sent me the following details of her interview with the paper’s reporter, Cameron Stewart: Stewart (the reporter) wanted to know when was our next action. … I told them Sept 9.… … He… wanted to know if we would be picketing…

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