Jews who crave torture

Chuck Schumer, The Democratic Senator, was a key supporter of even the most radical Bush appointees, and then led the way in sinking an Obama appointee who made “statements against Israel.” Salon’s Glenn Greenwald examines the ways in which Democrats are often equally blinded by their Israel love as Republican opponents (and the blogger kindly…

Is all this about to be in the past?

Glenn Greenwald, Salon, November 9: As the Bush administration comes to a close, one overarching question is this:…  how were the transgressions and abuses of the last eight years allowed to be unleashed with so little backlash and resistance?… … Just consider — with no hyperbole — what our Government, our country, has done.…  We systematically tortured…

Porn does not equal torture

Salon’s Glenn Greenwald on a nation we’re supposed to respect: …In the Land of the Free: if you’re an adult who produces a film using other consenting adults, for the entertainment of still other consenting adults, which merely depicts fictional acts of humiliation and degradation, the DOJ [Department of Justice] will prosecute you and send…

Don’t offend the Right

The myth of the “liberal media” in the US. Glenn Greenwald demolishes the lie: …The greatest and most transparent myth in American politics is that the U.S. has a “liberal media.” That is a myth that is maintained, first and foremost, by defining anyone who isn’t Rush Limbaugh as a “liberal.” Hence, people such as…

Why are we close to them, again?

Glenn Greenwald, Salon, August 19: The idea that the U.S. can, should and must be, more or less, in a state of permanent war, and can start wars in a whole host of circumstances having nothing to do with defending the country from an attack or imminent attack, is as close to an unchallengeable, bipartisan…

What do Jews really think?

What is it with hardline Zionism and its wish to bomb other countries? First Iraq, now discussion about Iran, the Jewish establishment’s embrace of the “war on terror” rhetoric highlights a fundamentally anti-democratic, draconian, insecure and racist mindset (not least because most of the victims of a government’s over-zealous plans are directed against Muslims.) And…

How to speak to journalists for dummies

After the recent revelations of a Pentagon-led plan to twist US media coverage of the “war on terror”, Wikileaks uncovers a 2006 document titled, “Media is the Battlefield: Tactics, Techniques and Procedures“. Produced for those in the US military, typical statements include: You do not have to regurgitate the Secretary of Defense’s responses, but you…

Please bomb us immediately

Headline on a leading conservative, American website on May 20: Iranians Would Welcome Airstrikes, Sources Say. The Iranian people will supposedly welcome being attacked by Freedom Bombs and feel liberated just like the Iraqis.