Global Voices Citizen Media Summit 2008

The issue of internet censorship has become a global concern. Harvard University’s Global Voices is one major organisation that translates bloggers from across the world and campaigns for imprisoned activists. The Global Voices Citizen Media Summit is taking place on June 27 and 28 in Budapest, Hungary. More than one hundred writers, dissidents, bloggers, journalists…

Democracy is not a foreign word

My following article appears in the Amnesty International Australia’s Uncensor campaign about human rights in China: We ignore the diversity of China’s web community at our peril, writes Antony Loewenstein Is the West afraid of Chinese patriotism? Some Chinese bloggers think it is but remain aware of the ways in which such sentiments could be…

Real-time apology

The new face of American justice? Two Florida teenagers who threw a drink in a drive-thru worker’s face have been forced by a judge to post an apology on YouTube. But will the punishment work?

Managing an internet multinational

Internet censorship is a growing problem around the world (the subject of my forthcoming book, The Blogging Revolution and an equally relevant issue in the West, such as France.) Now Google supposedly wants to help in the struggle: In an effort to identify traffic discrimination by American ISPs, Google is prepping a suite of network…

Is Google our future?

Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt on his company’s philosophy: The goal of the company is not to monetize anything. The goal is to change the world – and monetization is a technique to do that. Changing the world, one censoring step at a time.

Trouble in the Communist “paradise”

My following article appears in the Amnesty International Australia’s Uncensor campaign about human rights in China: The suffering of earthquake victims should not mask the authoritarian tendencies of the ruling elite, writes Antony Loewenstein. The ongoing humanitarian catastrophe after the Sichuan earthquake has revealed a side of China that is rarely glimpsed. After months of…

The world inside the box

The magic of television, courtesy of the internet. Speaking of which: The Internet is simply a means of communication, like the telephone, but that has not prevented attempts to demonize it — the latest being the ludicrous claim that the Internet promotes terrorism. Senator Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut is trying to pressure YouTube to pull…

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