What never-ending occupation has done; Hamas needs Gaza blockade

Amira Hass in Haaretz explains: How embarrassing. While solidarity activists are planning new protests against the blockade of the Gaza Strip, the Hamas government is adding to limitations on Palestinians’ freedom of movement. One might justifiably ask: What are a few high school students Hamas refuses to allow to travel to the United States to…

Glenn Beck brings pro-settler hatred to Israel (but few turn up)

Almost beyond farce: As he did at a rally he led in Washington last year, Mr. Beck gave out awards at his Jerusalem rally. One went to the settlement of Itamar and the Fogel children who survived a horrific Palestinian attack on their home in March that killed their parents and three siblings. More incongruously,…

Business as usual with an occupier isn’t feasible

The Electronic Intifada’s Ali Abunimah tells Haaretz why Israel must pay a price for colonising Palestinian land: As long as there is no pressure on Israel, Israel will not change. Following the Oslo Accords, there were a lot of ‘joint projects’ – in health, environment, training, and many of these were funded by the European…

Fighting for rights, from indigenous Australians to Palestinians

As the Gaza Flotilla 2 is soon to sail – despite attempts to sabotage the boats and other delays – what makes the attempt so moving are the personal stories of people who speak up for Palestine, despite the (almost) comical moves to smear them. Amira Hass profiles two Australians, both of whom I know…

The real threat of allowing flotilla boats into Gaza

A good Haaretz editorial: The term “flotilla” is understood in Israel as a declaration of war. This is the case with respect to the latest Gaza-bound flotilla, just as it was with the one that set off from Turkey in May 2010. Furthermore, due to unstable relations with Turkey, Israel is still feeling the repercussions…

Growing numbers of Israelis want second passport

Because, writes Gideon Levy in Haaretz, the Zionist state is becoming an increasingly intolerant place where Jewish extremism is the mainstream: Passports? If the Palestinian people already had one real passport, maybe the Israelis wouldn’t need two. If Israel were to try at long last to be accepted in its region, with all that entails,…

Feeling hatred in Israel and the world looks away

One month ago, David Sheen, an Israeli journalist with Haaretz, filmed an anti-immigrant rally in Tel Aviv and found widespread hatred against anybody who didn’t look white. Racism, pure and simple. Now Sheen has returned to the same place to see what’s changed, if anything:

Haaretz editorial calls for true freedom of movement for Palestinians

Bravo: Egypt’s decision to open the Rafah crossing to people raised great apprehension in Israel, as expected. The immediate concern is that the opening of the crossing between the Gaza Strip and Egypt will allow Hamas and other groups to bring in an unlimited supply of weapons. Ostensibly, that’s a persuasive claim, though four years…

Israel wants to win Twitter war but not end the occupation

Beyond parody: Come September, in just three months, the State of Israel is likely to find itself facing a diplomatic onslaught of a totally new kind. If one believes Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, that month the representatives of the world’s nations at the United Nations will be discussing whether to recognize Palestine as a state,…

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