On Obama, AIPAC, occupation, revolutions and the status-quo

So much discussion about the latest elaborate dance between the US under Barack Obama and Israel. In many ways, little has changed over the years, as Washington occasionally talks tough with Israel but then never does anything more. Words are cheap in the Middle East, especially as the occupation deepens every day. And, as if…

Obama given Zionist history lesson at White House

Aluf Benn in Haaretz argues that the Israeli Prime Minister frames himself as a saviour of the Jewish people but in fact he only wants to defend occupying the Palestinians forever: Benjamin Netanyahu’s whole career as a diplomat and politician prepared him for that moment: the moment he, as the Jewish people’s senior lobbyist, stands…

So much pressure on Israel and yet apartheid deepens

Even New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman sounds sick of Israel (though he advocates no course of US action that may place even a little pressure on the Zionist state to end its occupation). Haaretz is unequivocal and rightly so. Some in Israel see the writing on the wall: In an op-ed piece in yesterday’s…

Rumblings of a third intifada?

Perhaps: Israeli forces fired two tank shells and several rounds from machine guns as Gazans approached the heavily fortified border with Israel on Sunday, wounding at least 15 youths, a Palestinian health official said. One of the wounded was in a critical condition. The march near the Gaza-Israel border was part of Palestinian commemorations of…

If this is not apartheid, the word has no meaning

The irreplaceable Gideon Levy in Haaretz: Anyone who says “it’s not apartheid” is invited to reply: Why is an Israeli allowed to leave his country for the rest of his life, and nobody suggests that his citizenship be revoked, while a Palestinian, a native son, is not allowed to do so? Why is an Israeli…

Israel either recognises Hamas/Fatah or becomes more of pariah state

Zvi Bar’el, Haaretz: Israel’s Pavlovian response to Palestinian reconciliation, which included the usual threats of boycott, is the result of the ingrained anxiety of people who no longer control the process. For five years, Israel has done everything to change the outcome of Hamas’ watershed victory in the elections in the territories. It did not…

Australian media incapable of hearing Palestinians

How to define farce? The Australian media’s coverage of Israel/Palestine and BDS. Palestinians and Arabs remain largely absent from discussion, lest they infect people’s minds. Instead, today we have a litany of articles that say nothing about the Middle East apart from craven white people desperate to pray at the altar of Zionist “democracy”. The…

American Jews starting to speak out against Israel; more, please

This has been coming for a while and it’s growing. A fascinating feature in Haaretz that details the growing schisms in the American Jewish community. More and more Jews simply cannot support a Zionist state that oppresses the Palestinians. Jewish writer Eric Alterman shows indirectly how the only major groups backing Israel in the near…

Israel hearts apartheid South Africa (how they miss those glory days)

Daniel Blatman, Haaretz: The historical background of the Israeli apartheid state-in-the-making that is emerging before our eyes should be sought in 1967. It is part of a process that has been going on for about 44 years: What started as rule over another people has gradually ripened – especially since the latter part of the…

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