Torturing children, Israeli style

While some Israeli commentators argue against instituting a constitution– yes, people, Israel claims to be a modern democracy – the country’s soul is corrupted by a lack of care and brutal efficiency. Amira Hass in Haaretz: M., a Haaretz reader from Zichron Yaakov, was disturbed by reports about the manner in which Palestinian children are…

“In short, the game is up”

Liberal Zionist lobbyist and two-stater Daniel Levy writes a pretty perceptive piece in Haaretz that should really be essential reading for all Zionists who only seem capable of voicing blind support for Israel (hello sheep-like Australian Jewish community): There were large demonstrations in Cape Town last week following the Mavi Marmara incident. For now, South…

More cluster bombs, please

Does Israel ask Washington for anything these days apart from diplomatic protection and more weapons? Israel has approached the United States for more bombs and asked Washington to increase an emergency arms cache stowed on Israeli soil by 50 per cent, according to the leading newspaper Ha’aretz. The approach, made by Defence Minister Ehud Barak…

“Economic warfare”

A necessary editorial in Haaretz (“Hamas 1, Netanyahu 0“) that speaks for itself: The Israeli blockade of Gaza and all it entailed – the goods forbidden entry, the lies about how there was no humanitarian crisis there – was a form of collective punishment against an impoverished and oppressed population that cast a moral stain…

Splitting Palestine in two

As usual, Amira Hass in Haaretz hits the point in one swoop: The achievement of the failed flotilla to Gaza – mainly, it must be conceded, by its dead – is that the demand is being heard from everywhere that Israel halt its policy of siege. The government of Israel was not willing to listen…

Bring on the Tea Party in the Jewish state

There is no real opposition party in Israel. The nation is increasingly mirroring the Tea Party movement in the US – see here for a thorough explanation about how Israel believes it can simply ignore global opinion, a nice little delusion that won’t last when BDS starts to hit more – and sees blind defence…

It’s like Israel wants to be loathed internationally

Yesterday’s editorial in Haaretz: The intelligence failure and faulty planning in last week’s operation to board the Mavi Marmara led to a crisis in Israel’s foreign relations in the blink of an eye and a low in its standing in world public opinion. The international community is demanding an investigation into the incident and is…

“I did not speak out because…”

Yossi Sarid in Haaretz on a Jewish state that has left liberal Zionism behind (arguably a long time ago but some are starting to wake up): In the beginning, he was a gazelle whose neck the hunters were seeking. With time, he tried to become a seagull in the hope that if he was in…

So you love Israel but are you being paid to think that?

Where to begin with this story? So here’s what we now know. Anybody, repeat anybody, who may be speaking on behalf of Israel or supporting its policies may well be on the payroll of the Jewish state. Just brilliant. Yet another way to completely shoot down whatever credibility Tel Aviv may still have: The Foreign…

Seriously, nobody believes Israel had the right to storm a boat at night

It takes a moral giant such as Gideon Levy in Haaretz to articulate what Israel has become: Like in “Mini-Israel,” the park where there is everything, but smaller, Israel embarked yesterday on a mini Operation Cast Lead. Like its larger, losing predecessor, this operation had it all: the usual false claim that is was they…

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