Another win for Hamas in Gaza but Turkey is the real key

When the smoke settles, the most likely long-term ramifications of the Israeli attack today are the moves made by Turkey. Zvi Bar’el of Haaretz outlines possible scenarios: The Turkish government’s political-security cabinet convened Monday morning to assess its options on an official Turkish response to Israel’s attack on the Gaza aid convoy, in which IDF…

Perhaps Israel would like to silence Gazans permanently

The Gaza flotilla continues its merry way toward the Strip before the inevitable provocation by Israel (so much for Gaza being an independent territory when Israel says it has the right to stop the ships landing on the shore). The cost of the Israeli operation will be millions of shekels. Such money well spent. Gideon…

Israel and apartheid South Africa were the best of friends

My following article appears in today’s Canberra Times newspaper: The headline in the Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz this week was striking: ”Who says Jews and racism don’t go together?” Columnist Akiva Eldar discussed the revelations in a new book by a senior editor at Foreign Policy magazine that details the extensive relationship between apartheid South…

End the mad siege on Gaza, says Haaretz

An editorial in Haaretz that highlights the ways in which both Israel and the Zionist Diaspora manages the conflict, through spin and PR, rather than actually addressing real suffering of the Palestinians: We will soon mark five years since Israel’s disengagement from the Gaza Strip, but Gaza refuses to disengage from Israel. Border incidents continue,…

The non-existent threat posed by a man in his 80s

A strong editorial in Haaretz this week (I’m a few day’s behind on the news, dear readers, due to tramping and speaking around New Zealand) on Israel’s rejection of Noam Chomsky. We’re still waiting for the outcry from the Zionist Diaspora after this blatantly anti-democratic and stupid Israeli move. Deafening silence? That’s a real change…

Is there any way to get rid of these pesky Israeli Arabs?

Gideon Levy in Haaretz on what most Israeli Jews would like to happen to the Arab minority: The truth is, more than anything, we would like them to disappear, though not their hummus restaurants. A second choice would be to have them all crowd into their cities and villages – not to say their ghettos.…

Even Israel’s High Court is in on the game

An Haaretz editorial about the ways in which the IDF likes to find ways to isolate Palestinians. It’s in their DNA, you see: In less than three weeks, the portion of Route 443 that runs through the West Bank is due to open to Palestinian traffic. That’s what the High Court of Justice ordered, but…

To the panic stations!

Akiva Eldar in Haaretz: The entire world, with our American friends at the forefront, insists that the beefing up of settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem cannot be reconciled with the “two states for two peoples” solution. How can the Palestinian leadership be expected to stand by idly while 25,000 Palestinian workers put…

Clegg loves Israel (how could he not?) but urges some changes

Britain’s Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg, currently the man of the hour in the UK, told Haaretz this week about his real views on Israel: “As to the accusations that I am hostile to Israel, my actions prove the opposite. I have always sharply opposed various efforts to impose academic and cultural sanctions on Israel.…

This is how Israel marks its 62nd birthday

Ari Shavit writes in Haaretz a letter to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. It’s a fascinating document, fearful, paranoid and alive to Zionism’s likely fate in the 21st century. And where is Diaspora Jewry in all this? Asleep at the wheel, organising regular events to “celebrate” its closeness with Israel: Mr. Prime Minister, here are…

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