How the Gaza Freedom March managed Hamas

Haaretz journalist Amira Hass, who I saw in Cairo for the Gaza Freedom March, writes in her newspaper about the restrictions imposed on the brief visit by Hamas: The march was not what the organizers had dreamed of during the nine months of preparation. The day before the trip to Gaza, they already knew that…

What South Africa taught today’s Israeli state

Akiva Eldar in Haaretz discusses the tragic reality of what Zionism has created in the occupied territories: One of the myths among whites in South Africa was that “blacks want to throw us into the sea.” Many of apartheid’s practices were formally based on security, mostly those involving restrictions on movement. Thus, for example, at…

Settlers define the Israeli way of life

Gideon Levy in Haaretz asks the settlers a few questions and knows he will never receive satisfactory answers. Occupation is their way of life, supported, funded and backed by the Western powers. Prove us wrong: Try to get their opinion on how things will look here in another decade or two. For how many more…

Caring about Palestine makes you a terrorist, didn’t you know?

A comment on an Haaretz article about the various protests in Israel and Palestine today over Gaza reminds us that any solidarity with the Palestinian people causes supposedly rational people to spit bile: These ‘protesters’ are nothing short of terrorists: supporting a group who yearns for the complete and total destruction of a sovereign nation…

Gideon Levy as a voice of sanity on Gaza anniversary

Gideon Levy in Haaretz on his scathing assessment of Israel’s deluded soul over its Gaza war: Today it is more shameful to be an Israeli because the world, as opposed to Israelis, saw the scenes. It saw thousands of dead and injured taken in the trunks of cars to something between a clinic and a…

This is the way Israel deals with anti-occupation forces

Amira Hass in Haaretz on Israel’s fear of non-violent resistance to the occupation: There is an internal document that has not been leaked, or perhaps has not even been written, but all the forces are acting according to its inspiration: the Shin Bet, Israel Defense Forces, Border Police, police, and civil and military judges. They…

The occupation is a daily source of justified fury

Gideon Levy in Haaretz on the Jewish state’s uncanny ability to cause terrorism: It is not difficult to understand the agonizing decision facing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his cabinet ministers. It would be very hard to accept a negative decision on their part. Gilad Shalit must be freed at any cost, all the more…

Cairo, who’s ya daddy?

Yitzhak Laor in Haaretz: The time has come to acknowledge that the most important undertaking of the State of Israel, within narrow or expanded borders, has always been to maintain the supremacy of the Jews. Meanwhile, Egypt is rightly accused of doing the bidding of its financial and political backers. A client state now building…

Complaining about Israel’s image problem is futile

How times are changing. This piece by Anshel Pfeffer in Haaretz really speaks for itself. The case against Tzipi Livni is about far more than simply Gaza: There is a much wider issue at stake here, beyond former ministers’ and generals’ lecture engagements and holiday plans. Those who say that this is Israel’s battle for…

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