Obama ignores the hundreds of thousands of illegal colonists

Zvi Bar’el in Haaretz unpacks the lacklustre American efforts to bring “peace” to the Middle East: And let’s say Israel does freeze construction. What is Washington’s policy regarding the 300,000 settlers currently living in the territories, in settlements that no American president was determined enough to stop? If a plan to construct 900 housing units…

World, get ready for some Israeli bombing soon enough

Aluf Benn of Haaretz speaks to Benjamin Netanyahu, and apart from believing the Israeli leader’s supposed sincerity towards peace with the Palestinians, shares this gem: It appears that Netanyahu is preparing for war against Iran and Hezbollah in the coming spring, when the snows melt and the clouds clear. Evidence of this is the additional…

Gideon Levy on Israel: we are in a coma

Gideon Levy, a fine Israeli journalist, speaks to the Real News Network: I know there is a change in the Jewish community in the United States, but it’s too little and too late…Israel, the Israeli society, is in a situation of coma for at least ten years.

Does a unilateral Palestinian state really seem likely?

Akiva Eldar in Haaretz: What will Israel do if Abbas announces that by a reasonable date, say, December 31, 2010, the option of a state and a half – Israel and alongside it a Palestinian entity – will go the way of the West Bank’s “village leagues” of the 1980s? The question therefore is not…

Likud has an answer to the bi-national state issue

From a relatively new Israeli website called Coteret – “News you can’t read in Haaretz” – comes this jolly tale of Zionist extremism: Friday’s Makor Rishon, a right-wing Israeli newspaper, ran a… feature… on the Israeli reaction to Palestinian threats of either demanding a democratic bi-national state in the whole of Mandatory Palestine or unilaterally declaring a…

Peres is the kind, gentle side of Israeli expansion

Gideon Levy in Haaretz: [Israeli President Shimon] Peres is our beautiful and misleading face. Equipped with the ability to delude, one of the founders of the settlement movement has turned into Israel’s Mr. Peace. He travels the world, generating admiration for his physical stamina, scattering empty promises and slogans. He calls on Palestinian President Mahmoud…

Does Haaretz really need money this badly?

Blogger Richard Silverstein makes a good point. Haaretz, shame: I noted tonight that Haaretz’s English language website features a banner ad promoting the anti-Muslim propaganda film, Third Jihad.…  You’ve got to ask yourself what brought the swamp rats out of the sewer to show their faces in the pages of Haaretz?

Is Washington’s peace process over?

My latest New Matilda column is about the failure of the two-state solution: With hopes for a two-state solution waning, the resignation of Mahmoud Abbas is prompting new calls for a one-state solution, writes Antony Loewenstein The decision of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to resign and not stand in proposed January elections is a blessing…

J Street broadens public debate on Israel

My following article is published today in Online Opinion: Distinguished South African judge Richard Goldstone wrote the UN report on Israel’s December/January war against the Gazan people. It detailed war crimes by both Israel and Hamas and demanded both entities fully investigate the serious charges of targeting civilians and infrastructure. “Pro-Israel and pro-peace” lobby J…

Israelis believe in two states (in words but not in deeds)

Gideon Levy in Haaretz: Along with opinion polls showing that most Israelis support a two-state solution, it appears that those who seek peace and justice are in a clear majority. Everyone is sitting cozily in the “painful concessions” lounge. But this of course is a delusion. As soon as the spotlights are turned off and…

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