Jews coming together on refugees and conflict

The following email was just sent to the list of Independent Australian Jewish Voices: Dear friends, After a brutal civil war that massacred tens of thousands in Sri Lanka, many Tamils are seeking to rebuild their lives in Australia and beyond. We have not only a moral responsibility to listen to their pleas as refugees,…

Israel is falling apart; most Jews don’t want to know

Finally, the Americans are starting to tire of the Middle East conflict (even if they blame both sides for the impasse, oblivious to the clear power imbalance between Israelis and Palestinians). Here’s Thomas Friedman in the New York Times: Today, the Arabs, Israel and the Palestinians are clearly not feeling enough pain to do anything…

How to kill all those Arab terrorists in one, painless attack

Aluf Benn in Haaretz needs to know whether America loves Israel for its brutal methods of managing “terrorism”. Please Washington, he seems to be saying, please love us. They already do, nearly to breaking point: It would be interesting to know if Obama, who is due to decide on the future of the war in…

Israelis want to be hugged and kissed before ending the occupation?

Why do Israelis dislike Barack Obama? Bradley Burston asks the question in Haaretz but can’t understand why the US (and the world) doesn’t treat Israel with the respect it supposedly deserves. Kid-gloves are no longer enough when dealing with the Jewish state. An occupation that has lasted decades won’t simply end because Obama makes pretty…

Terrorism is defined by the West Bank project

Just how many Jewist terrorists exist in Israel? As importantly, almost daily abuse of Palestinians in the West Bank by Jewish settlers is both ignored and defended by the Jewish state: A senior Shin Bet official said Jewish terrorists that have not been caught are still at large and may be planning future attacks, Israel…

Rising anger around the Temple Mount

An Haaretz editorial worth considering: The clashes yesterday between Israeli police who entered the Temple Mount plaza and Palestinian stone throwers and inciters seemingly ended calmly. There were “only” three policemen who suffered light injuries. In contrast to prior incidents on the Temple Mount, and using the standard wherein the number of casualties is the…

Why blame Israel for our own violence?

Zvi Bar’el writes in Haaretz on Israel’s sublime delusion and victim mentality: Goldstone was born in June 1967. I am not referring to the judge from South Africa, but to his report, or more precisely, the notion that Israel needs a synonym for the soul-searching it must carry out after 42 years of occupation. In…

J Street is calling but are we really listening?

I’m on my way to the first J Street conference in Washington DC. Extreme Zionists in the US call the group “cranks“. Other so-called leading Jews in the US are equally spooked. What, some Jews meeting who don’t love the settlements and want to bomb every country in the Middle East? Lynch them! Gideon Levy…

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