Israeli whores fixing each other’s makeup

Yitzhak Laor in Haaretz: The avaricious sortie by Defense Minister Ehud Barak and his courtiers to Paris was sponsored by a state in which a third of all children live under the poverty line; Barak himself is supervising the starving of Gaza and its 1.5 million inhabitants. All this ties in well with Israel’s current…

Middle East peace will only come through work, not pretty speeches

Haaretz: The differences between Israel and the Palestinian Authority appear to remain substantial even after a series of meetings with the U.S. special envoy to the Middle East, George Mitchell. Positions may have even hardened, with no breakthrough imminent, despite U.S. President Barack Obama’s winning of the Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel Peace Prize is…

The contradictory faces of Haaretz

Ari Shavit: To prevent the region’s deterioration into complete chaos, Israel must exercize force once every few years. These limited demonstrations of power do not achieve a decisive military victory or a breakthrough in the peace process. Their entire purpose is to stabilize the violent relationship between Israelis and Arabs. Thus they create a temporary,…

The kind of Zionism that appeals to only the weak

Isi Leibler, an Israeli with a desire to allow only hardline Zionist views to be heard, is back; he knows he’s struggling with reality because anybody who damns the occupation is classified as disloyal or worse. Hear the desperation and fury. This is modern Zionism: Unfortunately, in the wake of the Oslo Accords, the massive…

Why can’t Iran make demands on Israel?

Akiva Eldar in Haaretz: One of the best-known sayings bandied about in this region is that “Israel will not be the first country to introduce nuclear weapons in the Middle East.” This has been the official position of successive Israeli governments. What is less known is that after a comprehensive, regional peace agreement is reached,…

Only bad Jews don’t know how to stay quiet

Jews, your job is to shut up and support Israel. Not clear? Allow Isi Leibler (this Australian born Jew has a pedigree), writing in the Jerusalem Post, explain: We must pay more attention to the threat from within. Today, self-loathing Jews (including Israelis) are at the forefront of almost every campaign to denigrate and defame…

Talk is cheap when settlements grow by the day

As the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign against Israel gathers pace, the inevitable Zionist backlash is growing. Here’s the Forward editorial this week: Time was when a boycott demanded personal sacrifice as an expression of protest. That’s how the name first was coined, when Irish tenant farmers and tradesmen in the late-19th century refused to…

Nazis are everywhere, especially under Israeli beds

Gideon Levy in Haaretz reminds us that Israel is very happy to cheapen the memory of the Holocaust when it suits their needs: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cheapened the memory of the Holocaust in his speech to the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday. He did so twice. Once, when he brandished proof of the…

Can Fayyad make a difference?

My latest New Matilda column is about the favoured Palestinians in the West: ‘Moderate’ Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad may be popular with western leaders, but under his watch the gulf between rhetoric and reality is growing, writes Antony Loewenstein The Western-backed Palestinian Prime Minister, Salam Fayyad, was… interviewed earlier this month on… ABC Radio National’s… Saturday Extra.…

Avoiding Hamas just avoids making peace

Benjamin Netanyahu speaks to Fox News: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday that Israel would never make peace with Hamas, the militant group that controls Gaza, a stand that could undermine peace negotiations in the region. In an interview with FOX News, Netanyahu said Gaza can’t be part of a peace deal while Hamas…

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