Racism is the heart of this Israeli democracy

Amira Hass in Haaretz: The most amazing thing about the wave of murders in recent weeks has been the collective Israeli stupefaction at the discovery of violence in our midst. Once again we have displayed our talent for excluding from the discourse the daily violence inherent in our continued domination over the Palestinians and their…

The West Bank is still occupied, Washington

Please tell me that American diplomats read this story in Haaretz and aren’t fooled: The Israel Defense Forces has canceled a number of planned arrest operations in the West Bank fearing soldiers will be seen by American diplomats touring the territories. IDF officers serving with their units in the West Bank said they were instructed…

East Jerusalem is key ground

Akiva Eldar in Haaretz: If there is any truth in the reports that came out of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s trip to Europe – that the United States agreed Israel can go on building in East Jerusalem – the headlines should have read “Obama has pulled out of the Middle East peace process.” Paraphrasing the…

One more nation may see sense towards Israel

The new, more liberal Japanese government, throwing the country’s political map into a spin, may shift its policies towards the Middle East. Haaretz reports: Withdrawing from American guardianship could also change Japanese policy toward Israel. Until now, Japan limited its support for the Palestinians to aiding economic projects, in keeping with American requests. The Hatoyama…

Caring more for Israeli blood

The return from Hamas of captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit is reportedly near (though many false stories have alleged this in the past). Gideon Levy in Haaretz highlights the hypocrisy of those shouting the loudest for his release: There is no need to waste more words on everyone’s desire to see Gilad Shalit return home.…

Netanyahu needs to learn some democracy lessons

The Israeli group Breaking the Silence recently released a report about alleged crimes by IDF officers during the Gaza war. The response from many in Israel was to attack the messenger rather than examining the charges. Benjamin Netanyahu continued this onslaught during his visit to London: “They are breaking their silence about the only democracy…

A deeply flawed “democracy” in name only

Who says academics are irrelevant in the modern age? Israel’s Neve Gordon continues to cause waves after calling for a boycott of his own country over its discriminatory and “apartheid” regime in the occupied territories. The President of his institution, Ben Gurion University, wrote the following: ”¦The severity and scope of the [Gordon’s] attack are…

Israel breeds hatred and extremism

The following article is a powerful reminder of Jewish hate in Israel. Published in Haokets by former Haaretz journalist Meron Rapoport, translated from the Hebrew by Keren Rubinstein and distributed by the Middle East News Service, its value speaks for itself: Last Thursday was a heat wave, but along the paved stone path that ascends…

The Zionist policy is always to humiliate Palestinians

Akiva Eldar writes in Haaretz of where the real power lies in Israel: Rather than demand an apology, the Israeli peace camp needs to send Moshe “Bogie” Ya’alon a large bouquet of flowers. The videotaped appearance of the vice premier before a group of Feiglinites last week is worth its weight in gold. His statements…

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