Who said Israel wasn’t full of contradictions?

Yossi Sarid in Haaretz: I recently read in the papers about an officer who was promoted to deputy battalion commander in his reserve unit, an exemplary man by all accounts, yet whose subordinates complained: No way will a homosexual be in charge of us, it does not befit men’s men like us. I also recently…

The Israelis need to be told over and over again

Following the recent article in the New York Times by Haaretz writer Aluf Benn – essentially arguing that US pressure on Israel just isn’t fair, no, not at all! – a letter writer responds in today’s paper: Aluf Benn states that “as far as most Israelis are concerned, Mr. Obama has made a mistake in…

Find out the Gaza truth now

It’s a start, from inside Israel itself: Yesterday’s Haaretz featured a front-page petition, signed by well-known Israeli writers, artists, entertainers, and intellectuals on the center-left side of the political spectrum, calling for an independent investigation into the IDF’s conduct of the Gaza Operation. Here’s the petition in Hebrew.

What if Iran threatens to attack Israel?

Haaretz writer Aluf Benn “clarifies” the recent comments by US Vice President Joe Biden: Biden’s words should not be understood as American permission for Israel to bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities. Rather, they were a veiled warning to Iran that if it does not embark on a serious dialogue with President Barack Obama’s administration, it is…

The nice, pretty face of Israel

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – a believer in “democracy” – talks about the crisis in Iran: Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy Yes, Israel cares deeply about Iranian democracy.

Keep building settlements and guarantee long-term apartheid

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman in New York on Friday: The settlements are not an obstacle to advancing peace. In the 19 years before 1967, there were no settlements but there was terror. During the disengagement, Israel evacuated 24 settlements and in response got Hamas rule in Gaza and rockets on Sderot. It’s very clear…

The silencing of an important voice

This is concerning news sent by Israeli human rights group New Profile: Dear Friends, This morning I by purely chance learned Haaretz had fired Meron Benvenisti.…  I phoned him and he confirmed this, relating that Haaretz had fired him at the end of May.…  His dismissal will be formally activated at the end of June,…

Defending the occupation is such fun

Following my essay in yesterday’s Haaretz, Jewish blogger Jewlicious reponds with fury: Oh, Mr. Loewenstein wants my outrage. I, as an American Jew should be outraged. Otherwise, I am a pro-Likud kinda bastard with inhumane and un-Jewish views leading Israel down a horrific alley.

We will continue to occupy you

Haaretz live-blogged Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech on the Middle East. The main message? The speech was like a nod to the old pre-intifada way of looking at the Palestinians, but at the same time mentioning two states. It seemed to be no to dividing Jerusalem, no to the return of refugees or an…

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