If the Americans are truly serious, well…

Progressive Zionist lobbyist MJ Rosenberg wonders why the Israelis think they can ignore the requests from Obama to move towards a two-state solution: There can be no doubt: Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu does not much care what President Obama thinks about negotiations with the Palestinians. He seems to be making the same mistake that Obama’s…

Divide, conquer and rule

Amira Hass, of Haaretz, writes on Bitterlemons about the profound separation between West Bank and Gaza and Israel’s effective plan to make a unified Palestinian entity virtually impossible: The total separation of the Gaza Strip from the West Bank is one of the greatest achievements of Israeli politics, whose overarching objective is to prevent a…

Israel to bomb Iran? Don’t believe the hype

My latest column for New Matilda is about the relationship between Israel and Iran and the prospects for war: The Israel lobby want to bomb Iran, but calmer heads can see plenty of reasons not to. This time the lobby may not get what it wants, writes Antony Loewenstein Roger Cohen, a columnist for the…

Durban II, the how, why and who

The farce currently taking place in Geneva, known as Durban II, has already thrown up a veritable collection of freaks, distractions, nutty celebrities (what the hell is Angelina Jolie’s dad, Jon Voight, doing there?) and agendas. What follows is a small selection of the issues raised (and yet more evidence that the Western world, led…

But will Obama put pressure to make this happen?

There is much to criticise in this Haaretz editorial (not least its optimism that a two-state solution is still feasible, let alone moral), but one can’t fault its determination to pressure the hardline Israeli government against trying to maintain the intolerable status-quo: History provides very few opportunities to utterly change political realities. It seems such…

We shouldn’t be grieving for the death of newspapers

My following article appears today in Online Opinion: As a journalist who spends the vast majority of my life online, the seemingly never-ending debates about the future of the media and newspapers can be exhausting and predictable. The same mantras are heard over and over again. Where will the news come from when newsprint dies?…

We are good because we’re Jews

Yitzhak Laor writes in Haaretz that the Israeli establishment isn’t too good at acknowledging the country’s profound failings towards the Palestinians. The signs of an immature nation: On June 19, 1977, the Sunday Times marked the 10-year anniversary of the occupation with a wide-ranging expose on the torture of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails. The…

A Jew that makes us proud

One of Israel’s finest journalists, Amira Hass from Haaretz, writes in a diary released by an Italian publisher: Freedom of movement is a right that is denied to Palestinians not only since this Intifada but since 1991. Movements are only allowed with an Israeli permit. Even if I live in a Palestinian city, I’m an…

Attacking Haaretz is a sure sign of desperation

Don’t feel sorry for the IDF. The world now knows exactly what they did in Gaza. Trying to blame Haaretz is a comical attempt to deflect responsibility for war crimes. It won’t work internationally: IDF reservists have asked Attorney-General Menahem Mazuz to launch a criminal investigation against Haaretz for publishing “testimonies” by soldiers of alleged…

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