When Israeli madness could strike against the Islamic Republic

Leading Israeli journalist Gideon Levy talks to Democracy Now! on rising threats from the Zionist state to attack Iran. Being in the region now, and Israel and Palestine especially, I can say that talk of a possible strike is palpable but in reality most people don’t seem to believe that Netanyahu would actually do something…

Israeli racism and inequality in its DNA

My following article appears in Lebanon’s Al Akhbar: “Moshe was simply not willing for the State of Israel to run him over anymore.” Moshe Silman, a son of Holocaust survivors, was an Israeli man who died last week after suffering second and third-degree burns on 94 percent of his body. In an Israeli first, a…

How many anti-Semitic attacks are Zionists ignoring?

Amira Hass in Haaretz: Here’s a statistic that you won’t see in research on anti-Semitism, no matter how meticulous the study is. In the first six months of the year, 154 anti-Semitic assaults have been recorded, 45 of them around one village alone. Some fear that last year’s record high of 411 attacks – significantly…

Yes, it is apartheid in Palestine

Gideon Levy in Haaretz: … Avi is an inspection coordinator for the “Civil Administration” – the occupation regime, to speak without euphemisms. Presumably Avi likes his job. Maybe he’s even proud of it. He doesn’t bother mentioning his last name in the forms he signs. Why should he? His ornate “Avi” signature is sufficient to carry…

Zionist illegality is another day at the office

At some point, liberal Zionists, like this editorial writer in Haaretz, will realise that simply hoping Israel behaves itself is futile. Outside pressure and action is essential. And boycott, divestment and sanctions: One might expect that in a law-abiding, principled country the authorities would deal forcefully and resolutely with the practice of building settlement outposts…

Thank God for Tony Blair helping transport sweaters from Gaza

Amira Hass in Haaretz: Senior British diplomats invested supreme efforts in the past year so that one truck could transfer 2,000 sweaters, to be sold in the United Kingdom. The future wearers of these sweaters must, first of all, thank their former prime minister, Tony Blair, who this week will be marking the fifth anniversary…

Feeling the Zionist hate

Gideon Levy writes in Haaretz: Israeli evil wears many faces these days. There are the rude, the crude and the thuggish, who still manage to generate some heat: When MK Miri Regev goes off on one of her jingoist, gutter-talk rampages – “the ‘infiltrators’ are a cancer” – some people are still shocked. The same…

Leading Israeli journalist persecuted for doing his job

Like the Western elite campaign against Julian Assange and Wikileaks, power hates being exposed and embarrassed. This news is therefore worrying but unsurprising. Democracy it is not (via +972): Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein announced his intention to indict Uri Blau, one of Israel’s top investigative reporters, for possession of classified materials without permission. The materials…

Boycotting Israeli apartheid is both moral and necessary

Of course, if you’re a self-described Leftist Zionist like Philip Mendes in Australia… you write for Murdoch’s Australian and tell Palestinians to grow up and embrace their occupiers: The international boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign against Israel is a by-product of the second Palestinian intifada and the collapse of the Oslo peace process. It is essentially…

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