How occupation has corrupted Israel’s soul

My following book review appears in today’s edition of Sydney’s Sun-Herald newspaper: Israel and the Clash of Civilisations Jonathan Cook (Pluto Press, $42.95) The September 11 attacks on New York and Washington caused the Western media and political elite to seriously examine their behaviour in the Middle East. Most concluded that maintaining client states was…

How to talk to an Islamist

Alastair Crooke, The Guardian, March 24: Former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger, in a recent interview with a German magazine, embellished Rusi’s complaints of naivety and “flabby thinking”. Radical Islam won’t stop, he warned, and the “virus” would only become more virulent if the US were to withdraw from Iraq. The charge of naivety…

The poison of occupation

A disturbing but unsurprising poll result: A new poll shows that an overwhelming majority of Palestinians support the attack this month on a Jewish seminary in Jerusalem that killed eight young men, most of them teenagers, an indication of the alarming level of Israeli-Palestinian tension in recent weeks. The survey also shows unprecedented support for…

Kill them all (but make sure they’re Arabs first)

Following my recent article in Crikey – discussing Australia’s parliamentary motion celebrating Israel’s 60th anniversary as well as the local Zionist lobby’s shenanigans – a number of letter writers responded yesterday: Bren Carlill, analyst at the Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council, writes: “Re. “Our “passionately pro Israel” PM throws compassion out the window” (13 March,…

The threat from within

Gideon Levy, Haaretz, March 16: Defense Minister Ehud Barak is a bitter disappointment. He was the first statesman who dared suggest brave, though lacking, solutions. Now, he has turned into the chief saboteur of any chance for a calm in the fighting, a cease-fire or diplomatic progress. Barak has long forsaken talk of peace. He…

Smelling fear

Following my involvement with Independent Australian Jewish Voices in the recent public response to Australia’s endorsement of Israel’s 60th anniversary – something that has now been noted by leading Jewish bloggers in America and Britain – the group is receiving, along with a great deal of support, messages such as this: You bunch of dirty…

Jewish voices condemn pro-Israeli solidarity

Watch out if you’re Jewish and don’t entirely support Israeli policies. Today’s Australian reports: A pro-Palestinian advertisement protesting against parliament’s motion in support of Israel has divided members of a Jewish group critical of Israeli national policy. Antony Loewenstein, a founder of Independent Australian Jewish Voices, was a signatory to the advertisement, published in The…

Jews who can’t handle debate

Israeli peace activist Uri Avnery placed the following statement in Haaretz on March 14: I am shocked by the silence of the Israeli media after the government’s decision to boycott the Aljazeera network as punishment for its coverage of the bloody events in Gaza. As journalists and citizens of the “Only Democracy in the Middle…

Why I won’t be celebrating 60 years of Israel

My following article appears in today’s ABC Unleashed: Like Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s recent apology to the Stolen Generations, the local Jewish community celebrated the gesture of reconciliation to the indigenous population, but as I wrote in Haaretz remained unwilling to extend this sentiment to the Palestinians. Rudd’s parliamentary motion to celebrate Israel’s 60th…

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