A sign of courage to the world

Viva Palestinian resistance: Hamas operatives had been sawing away the foundations of the wall between Egyptian and Palestinian Rafah for a few months to make it easier to blow it up when the time came, a source close to the Popular Resistance Committees (PRC) in Rafah told Haaretz Wednesday. A central Hamas operative partially confirmed…

Giving the finger to Washington

Tony Karon, Rootless Cosmopolitan, January 23: The hole blown by Hamas in the Gaza-Egypt border fence has finally punctured the bubble of delusion surrounding the U.S.-Israeli Middle East policy. In a moment reminiscent of the collapse of the Berlin Wall, through the breach surged some 350,000 Palestinians — fully one fifth of Gaza’s total population,…

Failure is Israel’s middle name

Gazans are desperately streaming into Egypt to source goods during Israel’s criminal siege. Hamas has been strengthened. Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama proves that running for the highest office in the land means you must defend Israel and vilify the Palestinian population. And yet Israel never learns from history and its current moves against Gaza…

The actions of a proud “democracy”

The outrage in Gaza in the words of Israeli and Palestinian activists and civilians. Shamefully, the UN Security Council won’t condemn Israeli actions due to American pressure. Washington is truly Israel’s worst friend in the world.

Lesson unlearnt

The following letter appears in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: Nearly 70 years ago, in a small eastern European city, an oppressed and occupied people were under siege, living under atrocious and brutal conditions, lacking food, medicine, electricity, water, and slowly being strangled in the hope they would just disappear. Warsaw Ghetto 1941 – Gaza 2008.…

Propping up Hamas

Youssef Khatib, clerk from Khan Younis, Ynetnews: The power outage in Gaza will not hurt Hamas, on the contrary – it will strengthen the Islamic organizations, so that even secular Palestinians, who used to support Fatah, will sympathize with Hamas. Israel’s collective punishment policy would not lead to results. I am not a Hamas man,…

The Zionist creed

Gideon Levy, Haaretz, January 21: Has the daily mass killing in Gaza improved the security situation? No, it has only made it worse. Has it reduced the number of Qassams? No, it has led to their proliferation. So why are we killing? We need “to do something” and there needs to be “a price tag.”…

Killing peace one step at a time

This is how a Middle East “democracy” behaves: Gaza City was plunged into darkness Sunday after Israel blocked the shipment of fuel that powers its only electrical plant in retaliation for persistent rocket attacks by Gaza militants. The Strip’s only power station is now closed and the UN has condemned the collective punishment. Meanwhile, some…

There goes the two-state delusion

Yacov Ben Efrat, Challenge Magazine, January/February: What exactly is the nature of the Jewish state that is thus endangered? It has become clear in recent years that Israel’s drive to separate the two peoples is not meant as penance for its crimes of forty years. The desire for separation results rather from the evaporation of…

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