Just how genuine are Arab uprisings?

American government assistance for the purpose of “regime change” brings serious questions about what kind of Islamists are acceptable to the US (clearly some are, despite Washington being opposed to engaging, say, Hamas): The State Department has secretly financed Syrian political opposition groups and related projects, including a satellite TV channel that beams anti-government programming…

How on earth would Zionism thrive without brutish mates?

Wikileaks shows us more: Mohammed Tantawi, the head of Egypt’s ruling generals, was an obstacle to Israeli efforts to stop arms smuggling within the Gaza strip, according to Israeli security forces. The assessment was privately delivered to US diplomats, alongside praise for former intelligence chief Omar Suleiman’s efforts to stop weapons trafficking, according to the…

On Goldstone’s tragic and shameless silence over real Gaza crimes

Israeli historian Ilan Pappe: “If I had known then what I know now, the Goldstone report would have been a different document.” Thus opens Judge Richard Goldstone’s much-discussed op-ed in The Washington Post. I have a strong feeling that the editor might have tampered with the text and that the original sentence ought to have…

Palestinian engineer Dirar Abu Sisi kidnapped by Israel

Blogger Richard Silverstein is right, after watching Prime Minister Netanyahu speak: Can you imagine the leader of a democratic nation proclaiming before not just a national, but international audience, that a prisoner who hasn’t even yet been charged with a crime is guilty of being a member of a banned organization?

All we need to know about racist Israeli politics

One: Young Israelis are moving much further to the right politically, according to a survey to be released Thursday. The study found that 60 percent of Jewish teenagers in Israel, between 15 and 18 years old, prefer “strong” leaders to the rule of law, while 70 percent say that in cases where state security and…

Australian Greens candidate faces abuse and lies over backing Israel sanction

My following story appears in today’s edition of Crikey: Soon after Sydney’s Marrickville council announced in December to embrace boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel to force the Jewish state to abide by international law”‰—”‰…  Greens and Labor councillors supported the move”‰—”‰federal Labor frontbencher Anthony Albanese entered the debate. In a news story in…

Civil space shrinking in Gaza thanks to Hamas, Israel and Egypt

The Islamist group does itself no favours with such behaviour: Hamas authorities in Gaza should immediately lift bans arbitrarily imposed on books and newspapers, Human Rights Watch said today. Hamas security officers recently confiscated copies of novels from bookstores on the basis of their allegedly “immoral” content, and Hamas officials bar newspapers from being brought…

Gaddafi admires Zionist killing in Gaza

Oh my. Israel must be so pleased that Libyan dictator Gaddafi is citing its massacre of Palestnians in a positive light: Long-time Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi said Monday in an interview with TV network France 24 that his violent crackdown on opposition protesters is akin to Israel’s efforts to defend itself from extremism during its…

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