My talk in Christchurch

During my recent speaking tour of New Zealand, I engaged with thousands of people, including a full house in Christchurch. Here’s the video and audio (neither amazing quality, since it’s compressed files, but you get the gist). I discuss the Middle East, the realities in Gaza and how to engage Hamas: Antony Loewenstein talks in…

Pappe on Israel’s ultimate goal

One of Israel’s finest historians, Ilan Pappe – now based in England – has a necessary take on the Jewish state’s current path of self-destruction: One would have thought that Israel’s drastic decline in international reputation would prompt new thinking by its leaders. But the responses to the attack on the flotilla in the past…

What the Pixies think may be catching

A piece in today’s Murdoch Australian highlights the almost unstoppable movement towards isolating Israel until it recognises the error of its occupying ways. Not much evidence that many Israelis do believe that, but give them time: The piece is by Michael Shaik: “MICHAEL, she’s dead.” It was March 16, 2003. The huge anti-war protests of…

Give us something to love, please, pleads Zionists

One of the undoubted successes of the Gaza flotilla has been highlighting the humanitarian crisis inside the Strip. It’s real; I saw it with my own eyes last year. With news that Iran may escort further aid ships to Gaza – let’s not even think about how Tel Aviv would deal with that – it’s…

Talking BDS post flotilla massacre

My following interview with Green Left Weekly appears today: Sydney-based journalist and author Antony Loewenstein is an outspoken critic of Israeli policies and author of the best-selling 2006 book My Israel Question. He is the co-founder of advocacy group Independent Australian Jewish Voices and is a board member of Macquarie University’s Centre for Middle East…

Talk to Hamas now, says Turkey

While the New York Times calls for better relations between Israel and Turkey – and even urges Israel to end its siege on Gaza – Ankara has its own ideas about moving forward (via The Cable): As the crisis over a deadly Israeli commando raid on a vessel carrying Turkish activists continued to command the…

Some choice hate mail

Barely a week goes by without some highly intelligent piece of hate mail (often from fellow Jews) landing in my in-box (a full collection is published here). Here’s today’s contribution: Mr. Lovenshtein, you are disgrace to Jewish nation.…  I have yet to see any Abdullah or Mohhamed going against own people the way so many…

Australians are increasingly vocal about Israel

Today’s letters in the Sydney Morning Herald show a combination of anger, defensiveness (on the part of Zionists who dishonestly claim that they actually think independently from the Israeli government) and passion: Immanuel Suttner and David Tester (Letters, June 4) ask if and when Bishop George Browning and others would express outrage about attacks by…

This is the level of “debate” on US TV over Gaza

Former mayor of New York Ed Koch and writer Jeremy Scahill discuss Gaza and the flotilla. It’s a parallel universe on American TV with blind Zionist supporters using the same language over and over again (terrorism, Jew-hatred, terrorism, Hamas killers, terrorism):

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